🍒003; Kids With Glowing Eyes

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Inside the high school, out in school halls was Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, Stiles was talking with Scott, when he noticed he seemed like he wasn't paying attention, him then catching him looking at something.

"What are you looking at?" Stiles curiously asks.

Scott then looks at Stiles, nervously looking at him. "Me?"

"You, you're looking at her?" Stiles asks.

Stiles noticed how Scott's eyes were on Kira, who was clumsily putting things in her locker.

"Her? Who her?" Scott feigned confusion, pointing to to Kira.

Stiles rolls his eyes, clearly frustrated. "Her–––her, Kira, you like her?"

"No." Scott quickly answers.

"I mean–––." Scott struggles.

"Yeah, she's okay, she's new." Scott shrugs.

"So...ask her out." Stiles urges.

"You think i should ask her out? Really?"

Stiles sighs out, feeling immensely frustrated. "Yes! I think so!"

"Scott, i don't think you get it–––you're an Alpha, the apex predator, everyone wants you, you're like the hot girl that every guy wants!"

Scott seemed confused. "The hot girl?"

"You are the hottest girl!"

Scott seemed as though he was in a daze. "I am the hot girl."

Isaac, who had just came up to the two, seemed confused, but agrees with the McCall.

"Yes, you are..."

Skylar suddenly appeared from a corner, going towards Stiles, her hearing Scott mumbling something, as she saw him walking towards Kira.

"Why is Scott the hot girl?" Skylar confusingly asks.


Malachai Martin was seen walking through the school halls, him following after Maia Martin, wanting to keep a close look on the girl, hoping his method has worked.

Maia sighs out, her placing a sarcastic smile upon her face, turning to look at Malachai who almost walked into her.

"Hey." Malachai smiles.

"You don't have to turn into my stalker to check up on me." Maia says irritated.

"I'm not stalking you, i'm just trying to protect you." Malachai corrects.

Maia sighs out, going to say something, but then she saw some unfamiliar girl walking right pass them, her giving her brother the flirtatious eye, the older Martin looking back at her.

Maia softly hums, using this as a distraction to get away from him.

When Malachai looked at his sister, he saw there was no sight of her, clearly frustrating him.

"Damn, Maia." Malachai frustrated whispers.


"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?"

Isaac, Stiles, Lydia and Allison was outside the high school.

"Yeah, and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia, just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstances would be all kinds of awesome."

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