🍒009; Hypnotic

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At the railway deport, during night time, inside a room, where Derek Hale was, Maia Martin was seen now entering the room, her now throwing a shirt on her upper half that seemed to be all healed up.

Maia was then seen walking towards Derek, who was seated on the edge of the bed, that was covered with black and golden silk sheets.

Derek then smiles, pulling Maia towards him, in between his legs.

Maia was then seen climbing on top of him, her legs on either sides of him, his hands being placed on her thighs, her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them softly, a look in her green eyes.

"What's wrong?" Derek asks in concern.

Maia then looked at him. "What's going to happen now?"

"What do you mean?" Derek asks confusingly, a hand being placed onto her face.

Maia then got off of him, making her way onto the bed, sitting next to him.

"Allison's mother dead, well, not as yet, but, you know the code and they're going to find out it's you and they'll come after you and what's going to-." Maia rambles, a nervous look on her face.

"Are you worried about me?" Derek amusingly asks.

"Should i be?" Maia then asks.

"You think they can hurt me?" Derek then smirks.

"You remember how Allison turned rouge that time when she found out about the Werewolves?" Maia reminds.

"I'm not afraid of some stupid little Huntress, that think she can hurt me." Derek scoffs, giving a smirk afterwards.

"I'm not saying that, i just mean, Allison's mother's gonna die and you're the first person she'll be coming after." Maia then let out a sigh.

"She was going to kill you." Derek reminds.

"But, i'm alive." Maia then smiles.

"Maia, you're not understanding." Derek then softly sighs out, his hands softly taking a hold of her face.

"Baby, i'd catch a grenade for you, so many lives i'd save for you, so many lives i'd take for you, all you gotta do is...stay with me."

Maia smiles, giggling softly. "Did you just quote a verse from a Daniel Di Angelo's song?"

"Come on, tell me, you'll always stay with me, no matter what, tell me you'll always be by my side." Derek says with a serious expression, his hands rubbing her shoulders up and down.

Maia smiles at him, her green eyes shinning. "I'll always be on your side."


Nights later, inside Maia's bedroom, the red head was seen asleep in her bed, a figure standing behind her bed, darkness covering her.

"Maia." Peter whispers.



Maia's brows frowned, her eyes slowly opening, revealing her green eyes, her eyes looking up at Peter, who was looking down at her with a smirk.

Maia quickly sat up, her quickly turning to face him, sliding away from him.

"No, no, you get away from me, just stay away, i don't what you're doing or how you're doing it, but you need to stop." Maia angrily glares at him, her going to get up from her bed.

Peter's hand was seen grabbing onto her hand, throwing her onto the bed, waving a finger at her.

"Don't walk away from me, Maia." Peter warns.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now