🍒001; Lost Girl

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At the Martin's, inside the room of Maia Martin, the image of the girl was seen sleeping, her hair looking a little darker than the ginger color, looking a little bright red, a dark shadow was seen walking inside the room, hovering over her.

Maia was seen cuddling into Derek, feeling a little cold shiver covering her body, but then when she felt the dark shadow over her, she quickly opened her eyes, revealing her green orbs.

Maia then turned away from Derek, sitting up on her bed, when she looked around she saw nothing, this gained her curiosity, she then silently got up from the bed, going out of the room.

Maia then walked through the halls, then leaned over the railing, looking down stairs, not realizing a shadow was seen standing behind her.

A shadowed hand was seen reaching for the girl's shoulder, her feeling it, quickly turned around, her red hair hitting her waist softly, her gasping out breathlessly.

She then frowned her dark ginger brows at the empty space.

Maia then continued to walk down the halls, turning a corner, but as she did–––

The girl started to breathe heavily, her shoulders moving up and down, her green eyes widening.

She then saw the Alpha, glowing its red eyes at her, fangs coming out of his mouth.

A terrifying scream then escaped the girl.


Couple minutes later, Derek Hale was seen crouching down in front of a terrified and shivering Maia Martin that was sitting in a dark corner of the halls.


Maia breathed heavily, gasping out, Derek's hands on her face, his eyes tracing her face, looking a type of answer that shows her reaction.

"What's wrong?" Derek softly asked.

"...i saw him." Maia stammered out, hesitantly.

"Who?" Derek frowned his dark brows in confusion.

"Him." Maia whispered out.

Derek was obviously confused by her reply, not getting it.

"The Alpha, i saw him..." She whispered out.

"He's dead, remember?" Derek reminded.

"But, i- he just- seemed so real." Maia whispered out, a confused and traumatized expression on her face.

Maia then felt herself being pulled into Derek's arms, her fingers clenching onto his dark blue sweater.

Derek's fingers then swiped some of her bright red mixed with a hint of orange hair, a little way from her shoulder, his lips then pressed against her upper neck.

Then he started to notice the bite mark that was made on her neck, starting to form slowly into a mark.

Derek seemed guilty for that, but, it seemed like the bite wasn't affecting her as yet.

Derek then sighed out, guilt in his eyes.

Out in the woods, the next morning, an absent-clothed Lydia Martin was seen running through the woods, her red hair swaying roughly through the air as she continued running.

Skylar, who was walking through the woods, had seen the running naked red head and gaped in shock.

Skylar then frowned her brows at the younger teen. "Was that Lydia?"

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now