🍒004; Bullet Wounds

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Skylar Hale was seen walking inside a room of the Hale loft, a rack with clothes, a happy smile placed onto her face, her shifting giddily.

Cora Hale stares at the clothes for a while, then looks up at her younger sister. "Nope."

Skylar sighs out. "Come on, C, it's just clothes!"

"Yeah, and then it's dragging me to your hangouts, i'm fine." Cora dismissed.

Cora walked up, but Skylar was seen running in front of Cora. "Come on, Cora, just try it on."

"I'm not going to school with you and your dumbass friends, and you can't force me."

Cora then walks away in an angered huff, Skylar sighing out, slightly shaking her head with a scoff.

"Unbelievable." Skylar slightly rolled her eyes.


Jennifer Blake was inside a classroom, her taking a turn, but then she saw Derek Hale in front of her, which made her scream out in fright.

"What do you want? Are you going to threaten me? Tell me that no one's going to believe me? 'cause that's so wrong, i have a very gifted student in my class, she mightn't like me, but i can assure you that she'll believe me!" Jennifer rambles.

Derek gave a small smile. "Maia."

Jennifer eyes showed shock. "Do you know her?"

"I know how gifted she is, trust me." Derek agrees.

"But...i'm not here to scare you...i just wanted to make sure you're okay." Derek nicely says.

"Psychically or emotionally?" Jennifer questioned.

Jennifer had a nervous look onto her face. "Although, i guess that presupposes i was emotionally okay before any of this, and according to my therapist, i-."

"It's been debatable for a long time."

Derek amusingly says. "I think you're going to be okay."

"Obviously, you never thought high school, before, in twenty minutes i have to start two dozen teenagers on The Crucible and i have no idea what to say!"

"Why don't you start by telling them that it's an allegory for McCarthyism?" Derek questions.

"Is that a subtle way of suggesting not to say anything? 'cause i won't."

Derek then was seen walking away, Jennifer slightly smirking at him.

"Who are you?" Jennifer curiously asks.

"I'm Derek."

Jennifer smiles. "I'm Jennifer.


Derek Hale was seen walking out on the school's entrance, where he had met Maia Martin.

Derek nervously smiles at Maia. "Maia? What are you doing here?"

"I go here, genius." Maia sassily comments.

"...that's right." Derek hesitantly says.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Maia strangely stares at him.

"...wait, what were you even doing here?" Maia confusingly asks.

Derek then shrugs. "Well, it's not that big of a deal, i was just talking with your teacher, she seemed kind of shaken up after what happened with Cora and Boyd, so."

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now