🍒004; Learn To Be Not Afraid

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Maia, who clearly wasn't in her right state of mind, lowly growls at Peter's touch, his fingers that grazed across his face causing her to feel a bad shiver that ran down her spine, her scaly and clawed fingernails gripped onto the Werewolf's wrist, snapping it aside, him lowly grunting, Maia furiously glaring at him with such hatred.

"Maia." Malachai whispers, trying to calm her down.

Maia was then seen going to latch a clawed hand onto Peter's throat, whilst Malachai seemed like he made a terrible mistake.

Peter then roughly grabbed onto Maia's face.

"Maia!" Peter shouts.

Maia's eyes flickered into his, her glowing golden eyes turning back into her innocent green doe eyes, the scales disappearing from her face, her softly gasping out, her fingernails turning back into her manicured ones.

Maia backed away from Peter, then looking at her brother. "...never again."

"Maia, please–––look, you had to change, it's the only way he can help you." Malachai sighs out, giving her a look.

"Yeah, well–––i know a way i can be helped, not to change." Maia gave a sarcastic smile.

"You're not in total control, let me help you." Peter more like demanded.

Maia looks over at Peter, with  suspicious eyes. "What do you want?"

Peter seemed offended by her question.

"What makes you think i want something in return? What kind of guy do you take me for?"

"The kind of guy that always takes advantage of the situation no matter what." Maia sassed.

"Rude." Peter comments.


"So, when did you get there?"

Raphael McCall looks over at the five teenagers that was in the station, giving them suspicious looks.

"The same time." Stiles answers.

"At the same time as who?" Raphael asks.

"As me." Scott states.

"Coincidentally?" Raphael asks.

"You believe us?" Skylar feigned hurt.

"I'm having a hard time believing that you four showed up just in time to see Kira being abducted by Barrow, him tying her up on a pole, then whatever he did–––caused a blackout throughout the entire town." Raphael says.

"And still am not understanding how the entire town could just have an earthquake, that caused little cracks from under the floors." Raphael states.

Scott, Stiles, Skylar and Lydia both looked at each other, knowing exactly what he was talking about, whole Kira seemed confused.

"Maia." Lydia mouths.

Stiles then jokingly says. "Well, it's an earthquake."

Raphael glares at the Stilinski, looks at the other teenagers.

"How'd you know she'd be taken to the power station?" Raphael asks.

"Well, 'cause he's an electrical engineer, where else would he take her?" Stiles scoffs.

"That's a major deduction there, Stiles." Raphael says.

Stiles then smirks, looking over at his father. "Well, what can i say? I take after my pops, he's in law enforcement."

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now