🍒009; Dying? Almost

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"It's not that she could be alive–––." Malachai sighs out, him finding what Lydia has told him unbelievable but just went with it.

"It means that she would've faked her death." Lydia adds.

Sheriff Stilinski looks in between both siblings. "Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?"

"Definitely." Lydia answers.

Malachai shrugs. "It's mostly Lydia's theory."

"And what's yours?" Sheriff questions.

"I never really knew her, i'm just going along with everything, honestly." Malachai shrugs.

"Oh! And it's a possibility that Lorraine could be helping him." Malachai states.

"...or is the Benefactor." Lydia mumbles.

"This sounds like a story worth hearing." Sheriff sighs out.

"No, no, wait, remember? Meredith was talking with Maia? About her playing in the game? Remember she said she's the pawn?" Malachai states, him then coming up with a suggestion. "What if–––what if it's Peter Hale? I mean, he isn't even on the list."

"Peter Hale and my sister." Lydia states, thinking his suggestion was absurd. "Are you saying that Peter is killing the supernatural and using my sister? Him using the assassins as a cover-up?" Lydia crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm just saying that Peter isn't a good guy, and we're just letting him roam around as if he's some kind of savior, and Maia–––she's my sister too, and she mightn't be on the last two, but she probably may be on the next one, right?" Malachai states.

A thud coming from inside a room was heard, alerting Stilinski, Malachai and Lydia.

Malachai stares at the Sheriff. "What was that...?"


Liam Dunbar was inside his bedroom, him laying on his bed, eyes looking up at the ceiling, observing it with a blank stare.

A loud clicking noise was heard, followed by wiring noise, the Dunbar then looking in the right corner, him seeing his printer clicking randomly, the Dunbar then quickly getting up.

Liam hit the cancel button, but it seemed as though that irritated it even more, since it started printing more violently, Liam's eyes stares in panic, not knowing what to do.

Liam then fisted his hand, punching the printer, trying to get it to stop, then the printer was seen slowing down, him breathlessly staring at the printer.

Liam then looked at the paper, him holding it in between his fingers, eyes widening in fear and shock, swallowing harshly, him, face twisting a painful way as if trying to get rid of a bitter taste that was freshly made on his tongue.



Liam gasped out, him feeling like someone kicked the breath out of his lungs as he re-scanned what he was just reading.


Scott McCall walked up the school's staircase, him entering inside the high school, going into the halls, when he noticed Liam Dunbar sitting by a locker, Maia's one to be exact.

Scott then went towards the younger Werewolf, who had a disturbed expression on his face, Scott then crouching down in front of him with a concerning expression.

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