🍒010; Siding With The Enemy

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During the night, after the lacrosse game, inside the boys' room, Scott was seen with a distracted look on his face as he entered inside the locker room, when he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts by an unfamiliar voice.

"I really don't get lacrosse." Peter's voice interrupted the teen.

Scott saw Peter Hale in a corner staring at his lacrosse stick weirdly.

"It was you..." Scott trailed off in a gasp.

Peter then looked at him. "When i was in high school, we played basketball, that's a real sport, still, i read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American tribes, they also played to resolve conflict."

"Hmm, you know...i have a little of my own to resolve, Scott, but, i'm gonna need your help to do it." Peter informed.

"Both you and your pretty little ginger haired friend." Peter added.

"We're not going to help you kill people." Scott sharply says.

"Well, i don't want to kill everyone, just the responsible ones, and that doesn't have to include-."


Scott turned to look at the new voice, then gaped at the green eyed Hale.

"You're on his side? A-are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" Scott exasperatedly asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"You forgive, you forget, mistakes happens, people die, you move on." Skylar shrugged, entering the room.

"Are you serious?! Skylar!" Scott stared at her in disbelief.

Skylar just shrugged. "What?"

Peter then sighed out. "Scott, i think you're getting the wrong impression on us."

"We just want you to reach your full potential." Peter concluded.

Scott then scoffed. "By killing my friends?"

"Sometimes the people closest to you could be the ones holding you back." Peter states.

"I'm not going to have any part in whatever you're planning to do." Scott firmly says to the older Hale.

Peter then smirked, humming at the McCall's answer.

"Well, it's a good thing i made two Betas."


At the Martin's household, the next day, inside Lydia's room, Lydia was spilling out everything to Maia.

"He's has been openly flirting with her, and then he has the audacity to break up with me, making me think it's my fault, and you know that's not the worse part." Lydia sighed out, anger and sadness in her eyes.

"What is?" Maia asked.

"Allison's, she's going..." Lydia heavily breathe out.

"Lydia...calm down, just tell me." Maia calmly says.

"Allison's going to the formal with Jackson." Lydia frowned.

"I really hate that bitch." Maia scoffed.

Lydia just slightly laughed through her sadness.

Lydia then wrapped her hands around Maia's waist, resting on her.

"Have you noticed something?" Lydia asked, confusing the girl.

"What?" Maia asked confused.

"Is it just me, or has Stiles gotten cute over the summer?"

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα