🍒008; Full Moon Effects

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At night, Maia Martin was seen walking inside her bedroom, throwing herself on her bed, sighing out loudly, her eyes closing, sprawling out on the bed, her long and straight shiny ginger hair flowed on her pastel pink pillow.

The sound of the windows creaking open, cold breeze blowing inside the room.

A shadow was then seen entering the girl's bedroom.

Maia's eyes then quickly opened, revealing her green orbs, her eyes quickly flickering to the left, her head turning slightly.

Maia then quickly jump up, sitting on her bed, her green eyes lighting up, a soft surprising gasp escaping.

The ginger haired girl then flew up from her bed, quickly jumping into the arms of the person.

The person's large arms that were covered with a black leather jacket was wrapped around the teen's body, then slowly putting her down.

"Hm, okay, that's enough hugging, i don't do hugs." Derek says.

"Oh, please." Maia scoffed.

"I guess...i'm just happy to see you...alive? I thought you were dead?" Maia asked in surprise but happy.

"Like i told you, i won't leave you." Derek reminded.

Maia then giddily smiled, bouncing up and down.

Derek's hands were then pressed on her shoulders, keeping her planted on the floors. "Would you stop bouncing?"

Maia then smiled. "I don't get it."

"What?" Derek frowned confused.

"Why everyone's so afraid of you, i'm not." She says with a confused smile.

"You're like this huge soft teddy bear."

Derek scoffed, staring at her amused.


Stiles Stilinski was seen dragging Scott McCall out in the lacrosse field.

"What are we doing here?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Well! When your best friend gets dumped-." Stiles was saying.

"I didn't get dump, we're taking a break!" Scott quickly interrupted in defense mode.

"Well..." Stiles says, taking out a bottle of 'Jack Daniels'. "When your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break, you get him drunk..."

Scott seemed the same, but Stiles seemed extremely wasted, him lying on the ground laughing giddily.

"She's just one girl, you know? There are many other girls in the sea!" Stiles slurred.

"Fishes in the sea." Scott corrected.

"Fishes? What? I'm talking about girls, i love girls, you know, especially..."

"Especially girls with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tough, hard to crack, but underneath all that gruff exterior, is someone that you-." Stiles was explaining passionately.

Scott then lightly chuckled. "Like Skylar?"

Stiles was impressed by Scott's answer. "Yeah, like Skylar."

"I thought you were into Lydia?" Scott asked confused.

"Hm..." Stiles trailed off, mumbling to his self.

"Still got a little crush going on?" Stiles slurred.

Scott then frowned. "What?"

"On our friend we've known since she moved here? Tall, fair-skinned, ginger, gorgeous long hair, innocent doe green orbs, red is her obsession." Stiles explained.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara