🍒003; In Return

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Last night, at the preserve, Scott McCall was seen explaining clearly and carefully to Allison Argent what had really happened that night at the rave.

Hence the reason on why Derek Hale had no choice but to kill Victoria Argent.

"...my mother tried to kill Maia?" Allison asks after a long pause.

Scott slowly nods. "Yes..."

"It was me she was trying to hurt, i guess she sorta did, since she hurt Maia, and Derek killed your mother, you know how Derek gets with her." Scott quietly says.

Allison stares at Scott in disbelief. "Why'd you hide it from me? Why'd she?"

"Well...you guys aren't exactly friends..." Scott trails off.

Allison seriously looks at Scott. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-i didn't know how–––i just didn't want that to be the last memory you had of her." Scott sighs out.


Inside the high school, Maia was seen inside English class, her now packing her stuff, wanting to leave class.

Maia shoved a book inside her bag, letting a paper fly out of her bag, unknowingly to her, but someone else noticed it.

As Maia was seen leaving, a hand was seen grasping the paper that had fallen onto the ground, the person looking at the picture, an impressed look on their face.

"I didn't knew you painted, Maia."

Maia then turned around to look at Jennifer, seeing the picture in her hands.

"Yeah...thanks for that." Maia nervously laughs, taking the picture from her hands.

"You haven't caught a liking to me, have you?" Jennifer lightly chuckles.

Maia uncomfortably looks at her, the red head seemed to catch a bad feeling radiating from the brunette woman ever since she had seen her.

Maia simply walks away from the woman, going out of the classroom.

Jennifer having a serious expression placed onto her face, after seeing Maia leaving.

Maia was seen walking through the halls, where she had bumped into Malachi, his book falling down, opening out, which caused a picture to fly out.

Maia quickly apologizing, whilst helping him.

"Uh...it's okay." Malachai assures.

Maia's hands latched onto a picture, staring at two younger red heads in the picture.

"Oh! This looks like it, is this your sister?" Maia smiles, handing him the picture.

"Yeah, uh...that's my sister, Mai- Marilyn..." Malachi quickly lies.

"Oh! Cool." Maia smiles.


Inside the hospital morgue, Melissa McCall was seen showing Stiles Stilinski a dead body, a body that was murdered differently.

"See this? Around his neck? Ligature marking-." Melissa was saying.

"He was strangled with a cord or rope..." Skylar interjects.

Melissa and Stiles then looked at Skylar.

"I, uh...it's something Maia said to me, you know, she gets these kind of visions of people dying or about to die and she sorta tells me..." Skylar awkwardly says.

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