🍒005; The Truth Untold

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Outside the high school, the next morning, in the school's parking lot, Maia was seen wrapped in Derek's arms as they were leaned against his Camero.

Maia didn't know of Derek's plan for the day, and the Alpha would like to keep it that way.

Maia softly smiles, feeling the warmth sensation of Derek's lips against her neck, her gently moving away from him, which made him pull her back in.

"I have to go to school." Maia softly giggled.

"Stay with me, for a few minutes." Derek softly hums, his face softly rubbing against hers.

"I'm getting late, i'll see you later." Maia then gently pulled herself away from him.

The girl then placed a quick but smooth kiss upon his lips, flashing a sweet smile at him, then taking up her bag, proceeding to walk away.

Derek waited till the girl had fully walked inside the school, a serious expression being placed upon his face.

Derek was then seen placing a phone near his ear.

"I want it to be done during the day, i don't want Maia involved, do you understand?" A sense of authority and firmness was heard in his voice as he talked to someone over the phone.


Inside Econ class, Jackson Whittemore was seen taking a seat behind Scott and Stiles, his blue eyes darting in between the duo.

"Hey, testicle left and right, what the hell is a Kanima?" Jackson asks, making both boys' eyes widen in shock.

Skylar, who was in front of Scott and Stiles, had heard Jackson's whisper and grew confusion, the brunette quickly turning around to face the dark blonde teen.

"How do you know about that?" Skylar asks in a shocking whisper.

Jackson then scoffs, condescendingly replying. "Well, i wouldn't, if your brother didn't paralyze me from the waist down."

"Wait...Derek tested you? Why would he test you? W-wait...does he think it's Lydia?" Stiles then panics.

"I don't know! All i heard was her name and Chemistry!" Jackson whisper shouts.


A voice whispers, making the red head jump, Maia then looked and saw him–––in her class.

Maia frowns in obvious confusion at him.

"Jackson! Is there something you'd like to share with the entire class?" Coach asks irritated.

"Um, uh, j-just my admiring love for my Coach." Jackson stammers.

"Aw, that's sweet." Coach smiles.

"Now, shut up, shut it!" Coach shouts, making the teen jump.

Maia blinks, but didn't see him anymore, her shaking her head lightly.



"Maia, Maia? Maia?"

Peter's voice taunts her, playing repeatedly over and over in her ears, her placing her palms over her ears, grunting softly.


"Maia!" Skylar whisper shouts.


Maia slightly jumps, looking at Skylar in shock, who stared at her in worry.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now