🍒002; Bearer Bonds

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Deaton's eyes widened, him looking down at a younger but unconscious Derek Hale. "Wow." Deaton comments, clearly surprised.

"Wow? As in 'i've seen this before and know what to do', because---that'll be of much help." Malachai hoped.

Deaton smiles. "I think you're overestimating my abilities."

Maia's fingers slid across Derek's palm, her feeling the coldness of his skin against hers. "He's cold, like very, very cold."

"What did Kate even do?" Skylar worriedly asks.

"I'm not even sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate, this is beyond my experience." Deaton states.

"Well, what do we do with him?" Skylar asks.

"Until he wakes up? Nothing much, it'll be best to leave him here with me, he'll be safe." Deaton states.

"From Kate?" Skylar asks.

"Why should he even- why the hell would Kate even turn Derek back when he was younger?" Maja confusingly asks.

"This is Kate, Maia, so, i think---she probably must have a good reason, only for her." Deaton says.

"And bad for everyone else..." Maia sighs out.

"You all should go home, you need the rest." Deaton advised.

Maia opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Skylar jumped in. "I'll stay with him."

"Wha- but i-." Maia tried to say.

"He'll probably recognize me." Skylar then says.

"Then he'll want to know why his baby sister isn't a baby anymore." Maia retorts.

Skylar gave her a look. "Would you just go? I promise i'll let you know if anything happens."

Malachai then held onto his sister dragging her out, disregarding her protests.


Inside a car that belonged to Maia Martin, the girl was driving with her older brother in the passenger seat.

Malachai's eyes then glanced at their house that Maia was passing. "...um, Maia? You just passed the house."

"I know." Maia whispers in a distorted tone.

"Oh god." Malachai sighs out.

"Maia, you maybe should stop driving." Malachai held onto her hand to try and stop her, but she had a firm grip on the wheel.

Maia's grip tightened on the wheel, her pressing on the gas, going faster.

"Maia! What are you do- stop! Maia!" Malachai shouts, his green eyes glancing at her in shock.

Maia kept on driving at high speed, not once stopping, until she reached near a dark corner, her then stopping the car, pulling the brakes.

Maia loosened her grip slightly against the wheel, her eyes looking forward, Malachai heavily breaths out, him looking at his sister in disbelief.

"Maia, you really-." Malachai says slightly frustrated.

A loud thud was heard coming from the roof of the car, then something was seen rolling down the windshield, Maia screaming out as she noticed the human sized head.

"What the fu-." Malachai was saying, eyes widening in horror as he noticed the head.

Malachai shield his self, pulling down Maia, so the glass won't hurt either of them, the glass shattering in pieces because of her scream.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now