🍒001; Bad Sign

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Blaring noises was heard coming from inside that building, orderlies, nurses and doctors was seen running around, the bright lights flickering around, signalling someone was trying to escape.

Inside a room, the lifeless body of a male nurse was seen lying on the bed, his head twisted to the side, blood stained on his face, blood coming out from under his eyes, an injection in his grasp.

"Find him! Find him, now! He can't leave! Find him." A doctor screams.

Footsteps that belonged to a boy, was seen running through the halls, trying to escape the place that has been like prison to him for the past years he has been taken in.

Now, he has finally gotten a plan and it's going to work and there's no one that's going to stop in his way from getting what he wants.


Red leather heels was seen clicking against the class floors, revealing a tall fair skinned brunette woman.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth, flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into an heart of an immense darkness."

Jennifer Blake read the passage from the phone, then looked at the students with a smile.

"This is the last line to the first book we are going to read, it is also the last text you will receive from class, phones off, everyone!"

Jennifer's eyes then went towards a certain red haired girl, just looking at her.

Maia, noticing this contact, uncomfortably stares back at her, her then leaning over to Skylar.

"Why is she staring at me?" Maia uncomfortably asks.

"I don't know, just smile, smile." Skylar whispers out.

Maia brightly smiles at the woman, even though she was feeling awkward than ever.

Stiles' eyes then noticed a white bandage wrapped around Maia's wrist, him gesturing towards his girlfriend.

"Look at that." Stiles whispers.

"Hey, Maia? How'd you get that?" Stiles whispers to her.

Maia then looks at him, then looked at her wrist, shrugging at him. "Prada, bit me."

Stiles frowns. "The dog?"

Lydia couldn't help herself but sarcastically comment. "No, a designer bag."

"You're really mean, you know?" Stiles comments.

A crow was then seen being slammed against a window, which made everyone slightly jump.

"Crows? Black Crows to be evident, oh, that's a bad sign." Maia nervously says.

Skylar amusingly stares at her. "Is that a Banshee thing?"

"No, it's 'i can feel something bad's about to happen' thing." Maia corrects.

Skylar was going to say something, but then the cawing of crows was heard from the outside.

Crows by the thousands was seen flying towards the classroom, Jennifer shockingly staring at it.

Jennifer then jumped back, seeing the cracking the glass appearing.

"Everyone, down! Get down! Get down! Now, now! Get down!" Jennifer shouts, causing everyone to take cover.

The crows was seen flying through the window, screams of panic being heard from the students.


Maia Martin was seen tiredly walking through the school halls with Skylar Hale, fixing her hair, trying to take out the black feathers that was in her hair.

"First day back to school and we were attacked." Maia groans out.

"When i say it's a bad sign, listen to me." Maia sighs out, looking at Skylar.

"Yeah, yeah, you were right." Skylar sighs out.

"Oh! You missed one."

A black feather was seen coming in front of her eyes, a new face coming in front of her.

"Thanks." Maia whispers out.

"I'm Kai." The red head says.

Maia smiles, oblivious to who he truly is. "Hi, i'm Maia!"

"And, i'm Skylar." The brunette introduced, suspiciously staring at him.

"And, she has a boyfriend." Skylar fakes a smile.

"Skylar, he wasn't-." Maia tries.

"Oh! does she?" Malachai raised a brow.

Skylar hums, sarcastically smiling. "Yeah, she does."

Skylar then took a hold of her good wrist, taking her with her.


Braeden, a dark skinned girl, was seen gripping onto Allison and Lydia's wrists, her wanting to find Scott McCall, but neither seemed of great help.

Braeden then quickly let go of them, seeing two familiar teenagers.

"I don't trust him, and neither should you." Skylar comments.

Maia amusingly stares at her. "Is it a Witch thing?"

Skylar sighs out. "Maia, i really don't..."

Braeden slowly walks towards the girls, standing in front of them.

"Maia Martin?"

Maia then looks at the girl, frowning at her. "Yes?"

"Do you know where the Alpha is?" Braeden asks.

Maia and Skylar stares at each other speechlessly, then looked back at Braeden.

"What?" Maia awkwardly laughs.

"The Alpha."

Skylar frowns at Braeden. "How do you know my brother?"

"No, not Derek Hale, it's Scott McCall." Braeden corrects.

Maia lightly scoffs. "Scott's not an Alpha."

Braeden shakily whiskers. "It hasn't happened as yet."

Braeden was then seen walking quickly, both girls staring at her strangely.

"...well, that was weird."



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