🍒008; House of Horrors

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall and Skylar Hale was at Eichen House, the brunette Were-Witch seemed upset that Stiles didn't tell her that he was booking his self into a mental institution.

"I remember, Skye, i remember hurting you, i remember driving that sword through you, Scott, i even remember how i had my hand on Maia's throat, forcing her to let out something that she never wanted in the first place." Stiles says in guilt.

"That wasn't you, it wasn't you, and both of us knows that, i'm sure Maia does as well." Scott assures.

"And, because of what i did to her, she is forcing herself to stay away from everyone, even Lydia, and Lydia is upset." Stiles says in guilt.

"Stil-." Skylar softly says.

"It's okay–––Maia's in here, remember? I'll be okay." Stiles softly assures.

"And, guys? Whatever happens–––don't let me out." Stiles gave them serious expressions.


A girl with dark hair and green streaks was seen lying on a bed in a room, her twirling her green streaks in her index finger, a bored look in her eyes, then she heard the door being opened, then being shut, the girl then looking across the room, seeing a dark red haired girl with green doe eyes, oh so innocent.

The dark haired girl frowns at the red head that just sat on a next bed, her pulling her knees to her chest, an expressionless look in her eyes.

"Well–––what's a girl like you doing in a place like this? You don't seem–––like you should be in a place like this." The random girl observed her.

Maia looks at the dark haired girl, getting up from the bed, going towards her, standing near her.

Maia then leaned over, getting close to her face. "I was normal but then one night–––i got dragged into the woods and i lost my mind and i think i still am."

"Oh! Are you trying to scare me?" The unknown girl seemed amused.

Maia smirks. "Why? Are you afraid?"

The unknown girl just looks up at Maia, who seemed amused by the entire thing.

"I'm Maia, and you are?" Maia gave the girl a bright smile.

The girl stares at her, clearly confused at her change of behavior.

"Uh–––Bethany?" The unknown girl says with a question.

"Bipolar, got it." Bethany then mumbles.

Maia lightly laughs. "Nah, i'm just mixed with a whole lot of crazy."

Bethany laughs forcefully then sighing out, glancing at her nervously. "Okay..."


"I want to go back to the topic of guilt, today, it might surprise you to hear me say that guilt is a good thing–––it's a rather mature emotion." Ms. Morrell says, talking to a couple of patients.

"...because, it reminds you that you're human." Maia says after a long pause.

"Exactly..." Morrell agrees.

"Who are you?" Malia looks at the dark red haired girl.

Maia strangely stares at the brunette girl, staring at her up and down. "Who are you? And why should i answer your question?"

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now