🍒009; Cold Blood

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"Idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes."

Jennifer Blake stood in front of the blackboard, talking with her students.

"All the tools a writer uses to tell his story." Jennifer then says.

Jennifer noticed a huge tree that was drawn onto a paper underneath Lydia's palm, Jennifer staring at it with an impressed look, but hidden was anger.

Jennifer feigned interest. "Lydia, i wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents."

Lydia shrugs, sarcastically smiling at her. "You and every guy i've ever dated."

Jennifer awkwardly looks at her. "Oh, um, that's an idiom, by the way."

Jennifer then glances at Maia, who seemed preoccupied by something that was on her table.

"Isn't that right, Maia?" Jennifer questions, but went ignored by the girl.

Maia's fingers danced around a diagram that was placed onto the  table, her whispers softly to herself.

"Scott told me about the story he had gotten from Allison's evil grandfather, about the celtic symbol..." Maia whispers over to Skylar.

"It's a five fold knot, what are you saying?" Skylar confusingly asks.

"Guardians..." Maia whispers, trailing her fingers across a line.

Skylar's dark brown eyes gleamed in surprise, having seen something. "Virgins..."

"Wa-." Skylar was saying, but cut herself off.

Jennifer was seen scattering the picture in pieces, making both teenagers stare at her in frustration.

"What was that for?" Maia glares at her in frustration.

Jennifer smiles. "Pay attention."

"Both of you." Jennifer glances in between the two teens.

Skylar frowns at jennifer, seeing something flicker into Jennifer's eyes, but it was soon vanished.


Emerald green eyes that were filled with a cold and hollow expression, was seen glaring into an older red haired woman's own.

The woman becoming naturally scared of her seven year old son.

"What are you doing? You demon-child!"

"Making you pay for those years of cruelty, mother." Malachi angrily says, glaring right at her.

Blood started to pour out from the woman's eyes, her screaming out not able to handle the pain.

"She's in pain..." Malachi carelessly says.

"Malachi!" Maia cries out in confusion and fear at what's going on front of her.

Malachi's eyes then widened, him then turning to look at his sister softly.

The cracking of the wall was seen forming on each crease, then the sounds of flames was heard erupting, a huge fire breaking out.


Skylar Hale and Maia Martin was seen walking through the school halls, the brunette girl couldn't help but shake off the feeling that their English teacher seemed a little off.

"Didn't you notice it? She was being so weird, like she was angry." Skylar says.

"At you?" Maia then questions.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now