🍒010; Chaotic

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"Why that, kanji?"

The Nogitsune, who still had control over Stiles' body was in Eichen House, with Noshiko Yukimura, finding it odd that she had called off the Oni, who had wanted to destroy him.

"Why 'self'?"

Noshiko coldly stares at the Nogitsune. "To signify he died as himself, Rhys wasn't a monster, unlike you."

"If i'm such a monster, why'd you call of the Oni? Where's the woman who called out to chaos strife and pain to descend upon everyone and everything?"

"I don't want that anymore." Noshiko says.

"I do." The Nogitsune says, him then taking out a dagger.

"You didn't think you could bring this here and hide them from me, did you?" The Nogitsune smirks.

The Nogitsune stabbed his self in the stomach, a firefly escaping through his body, Noshiko's eyes widening in horror.

"What did you do?!!" Noshiko screams in terror.

"Chaos has come again." The Nogitsune says, his face turning grey of color.


Skylar Hale was seen lying in the woods, by a tree, her softly breathing out, eyes closed, as though she was sleeping, but then her eyes was seen flashing open, revealing her bright golden glowing eyes.

"Argents has done no good for you for those seven years growing up, it'll be better having a vengeful behavior, wouldn't it?" a voice whispers into the brunette's ears, echoing through her ears.

Skylar's brows frowned in anger, just thinking about them.

"Get rid of them, more like HER, it would be better, yes." The voice taunts.

Allison, who was seen running through the woods, crossbow in her hand, her dark hair waving across her shoulders as she ran, had seen Skylar lying on the ground, the Argent girl confusingly looking at the Were-Witch.

"Skylar..." Allison whispers.

Skylar slowly gets up, lowly growling at the Argent girl, her eyes still glowing at her.

"Skye-." Allison was saying, eyes widened in shock.

"That's not my name." Skylar growls ferociously.

Allison held her crossbow at the Were-Witch, her heart heavily pounding, her hazel eyes thinking about Skylar's strange behavior, and eariler Isaac was behaving the same way.

"It has got to be the Nogitsune..." Allison says in her mind.

Skylar was seen aggressively grabbing onto the crossbow, Allison trying to keep a firm grip onto it, but then without an effort Skylar angrily threw the crossbow out of Allison's hands, growling lowly, making the Argent nervously gulp.

"Skylar..." Allison whispers.


"But–––the scroll says to 'change the host'."

Scott McCall and Lydia Martin was with Deaton, talking about how to save Stiles from being even more possessed by this dark spirit, that was keeping a hold onto his body.

"That's if i translated it correctly, we're looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or a metaphor." Deaton says.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now