🍒011; Bad Guy

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The next morning, at the Martin's house, inside the bedroom of Maia Martin, said girl was seen softly blinking her eyes opened, a soft yawn escaping her, her green eyes opened, welcoming the sunlight that was directed in her room, shinning lightly on her face.

The girl then softly sat up, her silky grey covers covering her body, her hair all messy.

The Martin then glanced at her side underneath her eyelashes expecting to see someone there.

Unfortunately, she was welcomed by a cold and empty space, she frowning at the sight.

Maia was seen fast asleep, close by Derek, his forest green eyes staring down at her, his fingers trailing down her face.

His lips was then seen being placed against her neck.

Maia sighed out, huffing in slight anger, then scoffing out in disbelief, she just couldn't believe that he left like that.


At the Hale cellar, Derek Hale was seen chained against a gate, a look of annoyance and fury in his forest green eyes as he caught the sight of the one and only Kate Argent and Allison Argent.

After explaining everything to Allison, throwing a couple of lies in there, Allison sighed out, slowly nodding, swallowing harshly.

"Okay, what am i supposed to do now?" Allison asked, trying her best to be strong.

"Go to school, do your homework, go to the formal on Friday night, be a normal teenage girl that pretends they don't know anything, trust me to get everything prepared for the next part." Kate states.

"What's the next part?" Allison asked.

Kate then smirked. "Helping me catch the other Betas."

"There's two?" Allison frowned.

Kate then hummed. "You know...Allison? This one over there is tough, a very tough code to crack, but, you know, there's always a loophole, and you wanna know what it is?"

"Maia Martin."

"Break her, break him, simple as that." Kate smirked.

Kate's eyes glanced at Derek, who seemed to be getting angry at every second, Kate enjoying it.

"Is, um, Maia? One of them?" Allison hesitated.

Kate then smirked. "That's what we're going to find out."

"Find the other Betas, catch them, catch them, we get the Alpha, you understand?"

Allison hesitantly nodded. "I understand."


Peter Hale was seen walking inside, only to be met by Alan Deaton, who stared at the older Werewolf in slight suspicion.

"I'm here to pick up." Peter states.

Deaton suspiciously stared at the man. "I don't think i remember you dropping-."

"This one wandered on his own." Peter interrupted.

"Even if he did, i'm afraid i can't help you, we're closed." Deaton warily stared at the man.

"Well, you can be an exception this one time, can't you?" A warning tone was heard in Peter's voice.

Deaton faked politeness, not trusting the man. "I'm sorry, that's not going to be possible, maybe, you can come back during regular hours?"

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