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Song credit goes to: Lana del Rey- Young and beautiful

I dedicate this book to my dad, "Daniel Reed" who has a part in every single one of my books. Although you had been sick every day of your life since I was a child, You still did your best to be a great father. You were always so proud of my artwork and ridiculous creations, I just wish you could see that I finally finished this book. (even though you wouldn't have liked it) I love you Dad and miss you terribly, Hopefully one day we'll meet again and you'll still be proud..
- ♥ Jenni

LAYLA'S Perspective~

My name is Layla Ann Rhodes, and to say I'm not like most teenagers would be an understatement.

I have long chocolate brown hair, light green eyes, that can change depending on my mood, full lips, a decent smile, and a natural honey-toned complexion.

I've never been an unattractive person but I guess when the most popular girl in the school hates you... Everyone else does too. I spend most of my time trying to be invisible, which usually works when it comes to school but not at home.

I've always been really small for a Beta, although when puberty hit I filled out quite a bit. I've been told I have a beautiful pear-shaped body.

If only my fashion sense could keep up.

That being said I'm excited. Because in 3 days on my 18th birthday, I will have my first shift and become a wolf.

It's not like in the movies, it's more of an inherited gene, from both my parents Tanya and Jacob Rhodes.

Most wolves live in private communities called packs. We have our own medical facilities, schools, and other businesses.

It may seem kind of cultish to most people, but to wolves it's completely normal.

Having our closed community protects our anonymity, it is of utmost importance in keeping our secrets.

My father held the esteemed position of Beta in our pack, a role he fulfilled poorly, and he is now in the process of transitioning the title to his successor. In our pack hierarchy, the Beta occupies the position of second-in-command and is the second strongest member. They bear thel responsibility of shouldering much of the pack's work, supporting the Alpha in various capacities.

The Alpha, as the paramount figure, embodies the epitome of strength and serves as the unquestioned leader of the pack. Their directives are the law of the land, except in cases that contravene wolf law, which are rare and would require reporting to the wolf Council. In our pack, the Alphas wield considerable authority and their decisions hold sway over most matters.

A Luna assumes the crucial role of the pack's nurturer and caregiver. Once an Alpha chooses a mate, the chosen individual undergoes training and assumes the mantle of Luna, sharing equal status with the Alpha and tending to the welfare of the pack.

As the third strongest-ranking wolf in the pack, the Gamma holds a position of significant importance, often responsible for nurturing and attending to the needs of the Alpha and Luna. They function as a confidant and a stabilizing influence, adept at managing moods and offering counsel to pack members during challenging times. Gammas play a pivotal role in decision-making and are renowned for their ability to provide a voice of reason as circumstances demand. However, our soon-to-be Gamma lacks essential traits vital to the role, such as empathy, kindness, and sound judgment.

Among the pack members, Omegas are typically relegated to the role of servants, heavily dependent on others. They often undertake tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and various other responsibilities as dictated by the pack's needs.

ReJecTeD by the GammA Loved by the Alpha Where stories live. Discover now