chapter 2

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Layla's perspective

I just started walking to school when a guy on a crotch rocket with a black helmet, pulled up next to me. Flipping up the visor on his helmet he spoke.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Ugh" ... I blushed bashfully, cheeks turning bright pink.

It was Christian again...

"Um... I'm almost to school, it's only a few minutes away." I muttered struggling for the words.

"Come on, don't be scared I'll go super slow." He said taking off his helmet and handing it to me.

"Uh...ok" I shrugged...

Taking my hands he placed my arms around his waist, a gesture that gave me butterflies.

He looked so gorgeous in his leather jacket, light stone-washed jeans, and boots.

Christian Benson was the bad boy type and I swooned over him, I wish he was my mate, I thought to myself, as my arms gripped his toned body.

We arrived at school in what felt like mere moments, and as Christian dropped me off at the main entrance, I fumbled while handing him back his helmet.

"I have to go park the bike. See you later, babe," he said with a flirtatious smile and a wink, revealing the cutest dimples I had ever seen.

My cheeks must have turned at least three different shades of pink, and after managing a soft smile, I thanked him. As I walked away, I couldn't shake the bewildering thought of why someone like him would be flirting with me and calling me "babe."

I attempted to make my way to my locker but the Bell hadn't rang yet so everyone was still in the Hall at their lockers.

Looking around, I realized everyone was staring at me whispering. As I felt the weight of their stares, a familiar self-doubt crept in. I could almost hear their unspoken thoughts, questioning how someone as plain  and ugly as me could possibly deserve a ride from someone as amazing as Christian Benson. And truth be told, I couldn't blame them—I knew he was undoubtedly out of my league.

It was times like this that I hated my heightened senses, leaving nothing to the imagination. And it would only get worse when I shifted.

I was knocked out of my stupor when Mike and his girlfriend Antonia barreled through numerous lower-ranking wolves toward me.
Despite feeling grateful for Christian coming to my defense, I couldn't shake the impending sense of dread. I knew that there would be repercussions for Christian's actions, and I feared that Mike's embarrassment would only fuel his desire for retaliation.

The sound of their laughter filled the air as they approached.

My heart raced with anxiety as they got closer and closer. I tried to maintain a calm composure, but my sweaty palms betrayed me. Causing all my books to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Embarrassed, I quickly picked them up as people turned to stare. I muttered apologies and hastily stuffed the papers into my bag.

Trying to avoid the couple, I dashed to my first class and settled down in my seat, feeling a sense of relief that I had managed to avoid them.

I pulled out my notebook and pen, ready to absorb everything the teacher said.

Mike rushed a student out of the seat next to me plopping his stuff down and giving me a wicked grin.

"You're not going to get rid of me that easily." He mumbled under his breath.
I thought I had evaded him earlier, but he was going to make sure he ruined my day.

Meeting his gaze with a newfound resolve, I refused to be intimidated any longer, mustering the courage to finally confront him.

"What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much?" I implored, my voice tinged with a raw mix of frustration and anguish. "I have nothing left. I've lost practically everything I've ever cared about. Despite it all, I've never gossiped or spoken ill of you. So, tell me—why?"

" Think you're better than everybody else, huh? All you are is a piece of shit that nobody wants," spat Mike, his voice dripping with venom. "Your mother probably killed herself just to get away from you! And to top it off, you play the victim when everybody knows that you're asking for it!"

I don't know why but this made me so angry. He said things like this before and I never let it get to me, but I guess bringing up my mother is what triggered it.

I picked up my history book ready to smash his face and I would have, but something told me I shouldn't do this, I wouldn't live to regret it.

"You know I rank higher than you Fucktard, I might not look like much, but I'm a Beta by Blood and maybe not now, but one day after I get my wolf, I'm going to fuck you and your raggedy-ass girlfriend up! The fact that you take time out of your day to make my life miserable proves that you're truly pathetic! And by the way I'm not a victim, even though you've tried your best to make me one! Don't make me tell everyone what happened this morning!"

The whole class turned, and stared with utter amusement and shock, waiting for Mike to respond. I noticed Mike's body beginning to tremble, his eyes glazing over, and I knew he was holding back his wolf. The teacher stared at him, her voice firm as she shouted, "Go to the office, Mike. Get out of here."

As Mike struggled to maintain control, his hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white. Mike growled through gritted teeth, his voice strained with the effort of restraint.

The other students shifted uneasily in their seats, their eyes darting between Mike and the teacher, sensing the volatile energy in the air. "You're going to regret that bitch!"
He said grabbing his things and making his toward the door. Mike had already taken a blow to his ego earlier so I imagine he's had a worse day than I have. With a final, desperate look, Mike bolted from the classroom, his inner turmoil palpable in the tense silence that followed.

The teacher angrily looked my way.
"Are you done now Layla?"
She said in annoyance with a hand on Her hip.

A random wolf patted me on the shoulder, "It's about time you told him off, he's such a dickhead." she whispered in my ear.

I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment finally putting Mike in his place.I thought why do people think that my mom killed herself? She didn't it was a car accident..

I don't know what had gotten into me, but I liked it.
I laughed to myself, I almost pissed my pants, when a voice in my head chimed in.

"Yeah, you showed him who was the boss!"

What the fuck? "Who said that,"  I whispered, but when I looked around everyone was busy studying their books.

"I'm your wolf silly!" The voice said with a chuckle.

"I guess I should have told you who I was before I freaked you out. My name is Carly, and I just wanted to introduce myself, your birthday is coming up and I didn't want to just show up when you shifted and complicate things more than I have to."

"I figured I could get to know you a little bit, and help you through the shift, it helps when you have a guide, or so I'm told."

"Oh okay, it's nice to meet you, Carly, obviously you know who I am, my name is Layla."

Carly giggled, "I know silly! We are going to be best friends!"

I laughed. "Yeah we definitely have to get along."

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