chapter 5

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Layla's perspective ~

"Layla did you do everything I told you to before you shift?" Marie yelled through the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am, I did,"  I  answered going through a mental check list, making sure I actually did do everything correctly.

"If I go and check, and it's not done properly you will have to redo everything. Laundry, dishes, dusting, mopping, sweeping – the whole pack house. Don't make me break out the white glove," Marie threatened, a task she had executed with exact precision in the past.

Although, everything was done correctly the first time, I was forced to do it twice, and It was already 11:30 pm when I finally finished everything. I knew it would be a better idea for me to go outside,and ready for my shift.

As if on cue, Marie chimed in. "Yeah make sure you're outside, we don't want you messing anything up in here!"

I had never done this before, so I didn't know what to bring, or what to do for that matter, having never witnessed a first shift before, some guidance would have been nice. I always envisioned my mother being by my side to guide me through my first shift. Sadly, I found myself navigating this momentous event alone. She had spoken to me about it on a few occasions, imparting the advice to not resist, but rather to yield to the pain. I resolved to keep her words at the forefront of my mind.

I  brought an old nightgown.
I only had a few items of clothing I didn't want to ruin what I had.

Before I could sit down a sharp pain began to travel up my spine, causing my head to jerk to my left, as my body became stiff I suddenly began to convulse. My knees cracked in and out of place and began to grow in length, eventually bending the opposite way.
My honey toned skin began to fall off ripping away, I found myself throwing It to the ground as Black fur was revealed beneath, that felt like knives poking through my skin.

I screamed in agony as my back cracked and twisted, my stomach became ripped with muscles, revealing an entire six pack I didn't know I had.

My face became elongated and my canines protruded out, looking down I had very large black paws and a long snout.
Touching the top of my head, I realized I had already completely shifted, going to the back of my mind I let Carly take control.

She insisted it's going to be okay just let me take care of it, and that's when we started running through the trees and forest.

All my senses were heightened 100 times better than they ever were.

I could hear a drop of water hitting a leaf, a deer feeding her baby, and conversations from long distances. My sense of smell was magnified, and I could smell The damp Earth between my paws, a crackling fire in the distance, and fresh cut grass somewhere nearby. The coolest thing was I literally had built-in night vision. I could see squirrels scurrying through the bushes up the trees and the tiniest ant among the dirt,It was all so overwhelmingly wonderful.

Looking up we howled in happiness, I was so excited!

I would soon find my mate, but for now, I ran...

As we approached a tranquil clearing adorned with a picturesque lake, Carly wasted no time and leaped into the sparkling waters. After a brief, refreshing swim, she emerged, vigorously shaking the water from her fur.

"Carly we should probably return before Dawn, I don't want anyone seeing me and my birthday suit."

Carley retraced our steps, but an unsettling sensation gnawed at me, as if unseen eyes were fixed upon us. Determined to investigate, I veered toward the same  clearing I had first shifted in, swiftly concealing my attire behind a group of trees. With a sense of urgency, I initiated the transformation, by picturing my human self, as I did, a masculine voice reverberated through the air. My heightened senses caught a tantalizing scent—a harmonious blend of toasted coconuts and vanilla, so tantalizingly delectable. Yet as swiftly as it had graced my senses, it vanished...

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