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Layla's pov~

It took about a week to heal after the birth of our daughter, a lot less than most humans, and considering I had never got to mark Christian or mate with him, Carly was driving me crazy about it. I had to admit I was a little pissed when I found out he had gotten me all those expensive gifts but they have been incredibly handy so I can't complain I really felt like I owed Christian a night with just the two of us.

So u can imagine how happy I was when Grandma Candy (Christians's mom), asked if she could keep our pup overnight.

Technically she wouldn't be going anywhere else because we were on the same floor, so it wasn't like our pup was leaving our home.

I packed a diaper bag full of everything she needed, well pretty much the whole baby aisle at the grocery store.

I watched as Candy sang and made silly faces, while Angel Rose cooed smiling big as her eyes twinkled. I imagined that's how my mother would have acted if she got to meet her grandpup. The thought brought tears to my eyes. And I had to admit I was hesitant about leaving her but It would be the first time I was ever away from my pup, but I did need the break and alone time with my mate.

We needed to finally make our Union official, and to do that we would have to mate or consummate the bond.

I would have to mark him too. I am going to be Luna soon and it's an important part of the process.

It usually happens in this order:

If you're an alpha or soon-to-be Luna, you always have separate ceremonies when you accept your intended position, you have a coronation similar to a king and queen.

First, the alpha will come into power and he will announce you as his mate and intended Luna. He will place a cut on your palm and he will cut his as well.

You will share blood and become part of the pack, just like every other pack member did if you weren't already.

Then you must complete the entire mating and marking which is often done at the same time, but my situation was different.

Although some Alphas do mark their lunas at the coronation. It's not common anymore because wolves prefer to be mated and marked first so that the bond is flowing strongly through your veins.

And at that point, you are 100% certain you are making the correct decision, runaway lunas used to be a "thing" I guess.

So I've already been training to take over as Luna, and as soon as I Mark Christian and we consummate the bond, I will be able to take my position, after he receives his coronation of course.

We've decided on doing it together he'll just go first.

Anyway, I want this to be special. Not all awkward and planned out.

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