chapter 3

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Layla's pov

The bell rang and at first, I was excited to finally get out of this shit hole class. Until I remembered that Mike would undoubtedly be waiting for me. I held onto the hope of catching a glimpse of Christian in the bustling hallway, but deep down, I knew it was unlikely. He was one grade above me, and he'd most likely be hanging out with his friends or off doing something important, as usual. His presence seemed to command attention wherever he went, and I often found myself admiring him from afar, wondering what it would be like to be a part of his world.

I hid behind the door frame peeking around the classroom door to see if the coast was clear. At the first opportunity, I knew Mike would most likely seek revenge, so I cautiously crept past the door, my senses on high alert. The air crackled with tension, and I couldn't shake the feeling that a storm was brewing, waiting to unleash its fury.
Fortunately, I spotted Melissa and Kayla walking together, scanning the area, probably searching for me. I whistled to catch their attention, and they hurried over to me.

Melissa was the epitome of gothic style. With her long black hair, brown eyes accentuated by heavy eyeliner, and black lipstick, she exuded an aura of mystique. Her clothing adorned with chains, and her numerous piercings on her lip, nose, and eyebrow, she always seemed to push the boundaries. Despite her unconventional appearance, Melissa was fiercely loyal, and I knew she had my back, just as I had hers. Her nonchalant attitude toward societal norms made her stand out, and I admired her for being unapologetically herself in a world where conformity reigned supreme. If Melissa didn't embrace her unique style, she could have easily been one of the popular girls, but I cherished her just the way she was. She defied expectations and didn't give a damn about what others thought, a rarity in our wolf society.

Melissa isn't your stereotypical goth girl, she wasn't depressed she just loved all things dark. Goth girls actually aren't depressed they just like all things dark, it's a common misconception.

Kayla was the polar opposite of Melissa, having always been popular in our society where your rank mattered far more than the color of your fur. Her skin was the color of brown sugar, a beautiful blend inherited from her parents. With her exotic looks, featuring vivid green eyes and a cascade of tiny curls, she possessed a rare and captivating beauty that I couldn't help but envy.

Despite her popularity, Kayla remained refreshingly down-to-earth, honest, and humble. She was fiercely loyal, but woe to anyone who dared to provoke her—she could hold her own in any fight, despite being an Omega. Her fighting skills surpassed those of many Betas, a fact that always amazed me.

These two young women were like sisters to me, and I cherished our bond more than anything. As they grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, their concern evident, I felt a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support. Whispering in unison, they asked, "What happened with Mike?"

I shrugged, not wanting to burden them with the details just yet. "Nothing. We'll talk about it later," I replied, walking with them to our lockers, our arms linked in solidarity.

As I gathered my belongings to stow them away, a sudden, jarring clang reverberated through the corridor, and my locker door slammed shut in my face.

And of course, it's the one and only Antonia the mega bitch. Dressed in a short pink mini skirt and halter top, her knee-high boots gave her an extra 3 inches, so she towered over me.

Antonia's makeup was always on point.
She was beautiful. Unfortunately, she was hideous on the inside I will never understand, why she hated me so much...

Staring her in the face, I stood up tall and proud holding my ground. Weakness gnawed at my core, my body trembling and my breath shaky. I refused to succumb to the bullies, knowing that if I continued to give in, the torment would never cease.

Crossing my arms in annoyance, I scowled, rolling my eyes attempting to have an attitude. "Well, what the fuck do you want Antonia?"

The look on her face said Im going to pummel you into the ground, but her body was frozen in place, instead she just stood there, eyes widened in shock.

After a few moments of nothing happening I continued to stare her down, daring her to make a move. My friends stood behind me making sure to have my back if she laid one finger on me.

Antonia quickly rushed away with her head down in shame as her bottom lip began to quiver, tears filled her eyes threatening to spill, she was embarrassed.

My friends turn to look at me in awe.
"Wow! That was easy."

"Where'd that come from?
seems like you grew balls overnight!" Melissa said as we all howled in laughter.

They both wrapped their arms around my shoulders and walked me to my next class.

But, if I'm being honest I felt like such a bitch, I could never be like her.

My conscience won't allow it.

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