The Rogue Queen ♥22

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Layla's perspective ~

"Do you have any idea why we were having lunch with your father? Well, it's because your father is Alpha Jason's best friend and beta. We hoped he could talk some sense into Alpha Jason and expose what a despicable person you are. Who better to convince him than your own father? He could reveal all the despicable things you've done, the wretched person you've become. Your father initially agreed, but after Antonia persuaded him, he called off the meeting with the alpha, denying me a chance to return to the pack. Do you know why she did this?" Mike's anger flared as he seized my face, compelling me to meet his gaze. His eyes burned with an intense, unsettling fury, and his words dripped with contempt, emphasizing the depth of his disgust for me.

"No I don't, but I imagine you're going to tell me" I shrugged not sure where this was going.

"That day, I couldn't help but notice the yearning looks Antonia kept casting in your brother's direction, her eyes alight with an unmistakable love that seemed to swell with each passing moment. I recognized that look all too well, I had often felt it when I saw you. It was clear to me that she had just discovered that Taylor was her mate."

"That's right!"

"Your lowly worthless brother is my ex-girlfriend's mate, and she has to wait quite a while. I don't see why she couldn't have just waited to break up with me."

"And again, It was your fault because I was considered a rogue and she didn't want me anymore, but I have news for both of you I'm a king now and I will have my queen!"Mike said his eyes looking more and more insane with each passing glimpse.

Lying there, my body aching, hands and feet bound, I felt utterly helpless, crumpled on the floor. In that moment, it truly seemed like my life was over. He didn't care about me; I was certain he would eventually end my life without a second thought.

"The decent thing to do would have been to reject me and walk away, as I had tried to do. But decency was never your forte. You always put your own needs first, willing to trample anyone who stood in the way of what you wanted. When you made that fateful decision to assault me, you sealed your own fate. You've made your bed, now lay in it. Although, now you may not like the size of your bed, where it's located,or the bed set you chose, it's yours and you're stuck with it! You were too busy worried about yourself and it was ultimately your own decision that caused your own undoing." I spat, tired of him ranting and raving he needed to grow up and be a fucking man.

"Enough with you ridiculous metaphors, you stupid bitch, I don't care what you say by the end of the day, I will have marked and mated you officially."

"I just always wanted to know why you and your girlfriend bullied me. What did I ever do to deserve that?"

"Well, are you sure you want to know?"
Mike said, with an eyebrow raised squatting down to I level with me.

"It wasn't anything to do with me at all." Mike said taking a piece of my hair and twirling it around his dirty finger, before pulling it hard enough to elicit a whimper.

"Can you recall the tumultuous time when Antonia's mother was compelled to leave the Waning Moon pack? It was a period marked by upheaval and heartache for Antonia. The gamma of the Waning Moon pack, Antonia's father, discovered his fated mate, your mother, and in doing so, he severed his bond with Antonia's mother. Not long after, your mother passed away, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and unspoken pain, for you and Antonia."

"Your mother, was Antonia's father's true mate. Her untimely demise only came to pass when she attempted to retrieve you. Your father, was not destined to be her mate; he was chosen under false pretenses. When she returned to reclaim you, a harrowing betrayal unfolded, as they callously tampered with her brake lines." Mike said pretending his hand was a pair of scissors.

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