chapter 11

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Layla's pov~

I ran for what felt like hours, not thinking before I shifted, I had destroyed all my clothing.

So, if I went back I would be completely naked.

I stood at the edge of the forest for hours, waiting for the sun to go down.

I'm grateful I did because, I noticed my father leaving the house, only to come back a few minutes later with a very sexy Christian following suit.

I heard arguing coming from my house, Christian was sticking up for me, at first I was mad that he told my father the entire truth.

But I knew he wouldn't believe me unless he heard it from someone like Christian.

As soon as he left the house, he had boxes in hand for what I didn't know...

Christian looked directly at me making eye contact.

He knew I was there the whole time, mind linking me he said "I'll bring you something to wear, do not go to your father's house."

"Come to the pack house as soon as I get your clothing".

Christian ran up with his hands over his eyes, setting down a large t-shirt, and what looked like pajama pants, on a rock near me.

Mind linking me he said, "Remember to come straight to the pack house."

I hurriedly dressed in an outfit that completely swallowed me.

Once I got a whiff of Christians scent on the clothing, butterflies danced in my belly, they were his. Even his scent made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I made my way to the pack house, mind-linking Christian to let him know I was waiting.

Instead, I was met by a girl no older than 8.

She was adorable she had dark brown ringlets, blue eyes, pink cheeks, and a cheery smile with a sweet disposition.

"My name is Abby." she said holding out
her hand to shake mine. But instead went for a hug, I held back a cry of pain.

"I'm Christian's little sister, he sent me to show you your new room and where you'll be staying."

" He was so right, you are so pretty!" she said giggling.

"It's nice to meet you Abby, I'm Layla." I said with a soft smile.

"My brother has decided that you will stay on our floor."

"The Alpha's family suite.
He says it's important because you are family!"

I felt flattered.

But I was a little surprised because obviously, I'm not family we're not dating or anything.

I shrugged. "I guess I'll have to talk to Christian about that." I said awkwardly.
At this point, I didn't know what to expect.

Taking my hand in hers she pulled me along telling me who stayed where, and what their rank was.

Apparently the higher the rank the more space you have.

So, the Gamma, Beta, and Alpha had their floors, for their family. You can imagine how I felt when I got a big whiff of Mike's scent.

A scent that I had once enjoyed, now caused bile to rise in my throat.

Abby noticed this and picked up the pace. "I'm so sorry." she said looking down. "He's gone but I guess you can still smell him."

I know that a lot of the pack members have been mean to you, but don't worry you're safe now.

"If anyone tries to bully you, just come to me, and I will kick their butt." Abby said cutely.

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