chapter 1

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I could see light seeping under Taylor's closet door, which doubles as my tiny bedroom. Another long grueling day is what I had to look forward to. Still nestled in my cot, I contemplated the myriad tasks awaiting me today, from tackling the dishes to conquering the laundry pile, all the while determined to steer clear of Mike.

My alarm blared static causing me to jump.
I glanced over my body, which bore a tapestry of bruises in various hues of purple, yellow, and blue. Even my toes weren't spared, each adorned with its own mark. I had become accustomed to being tripped, kicked, and bullied in every manner, and today promised to be no different.

I yawned widely, stretching  my arms and legs until they hit the wall, finally prepared to face the day ahead.

I carefully rolled out of my cot to avoid hitting my head on the slanted ceiling like the previous days.

I grabbed my old worn tatters of clothing and readied for the day. I didn't have nice things, even though my bedroom was a closet my half-brother Taylor had given me, I made the best out of a bad situation. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a room, I lost everything when my father found his gremlin, I mean second chance mate.

At First it was just a little mistreatment behind closed doors when my father wasn't around, then she began to punish me for the smallest things, took my toys away, and eventually my room. It was like no matter what I did in Marie's eyes I was nothing and would never measure up to her or children. Eventually she treated me like shit all the time and my father went along with it, I always thought it was because he was pussy whipped.

Marie is a vile woman, every chance she could she mentally and physically abused me. The last time I pissed her off she broke all the fingers on my left hand, making it pretty much impossible to do my daily chores.

I realized to survive I would need to do everything she said just to keep her happy, but soon I realized Marie would never be happy. She just genuinely hated me and there was  absolutely nothing I could say or do to change that, so,
I came to accept it.


The clock read 4:30 a.m, my favorite time of day. The pack was still and quiet, offering a rare sanctuary from the constant disruptions, as everyone else slumbered. Peeking cautiously to ensure the coast was clear, I relished the solitude. It was my favorite time of day, which often meant; I could move freely throughout the pack house without being bothered by anyone, or bullied for that matter.

After completing a few chores around our own home I made my way to the pack house to start breakfast.

No, we don't live in the pack house right now. The pack is going through a transition period so that the other soon-to-be ranking members can train and take their future positions. In our pack retired members are given homes on the pack lands, their hard work is not forgotten.

Like I had previously predicted, no one was around in the pack house just the way I like it.

Every day I made eggs, bacon, sausage,  toast, and set out fresh fruit.

The only thing I would ever change was an alternative meal, for wolves who didn't eat eggs.

Particularly 18-year-old Mike Weaver the soon-to-be Gamma of our pack. I was hoping he wouldn't be in the kitchen, but lately, he has been unpleasantly surprising me.

Mike and his girlfriend Antonia Carlson a beautiful tall, blonde haired blue eyed mega cunt, and ex Gamma in the waning Moon pack. Although now since her mother was rejected by her father for his fated mate, she was just an Omega in ours.

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