chapter 15

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Layla's pov~

Today was the day I would find out the results of the pregnancy test.

My nerves were on edge as I prepared to receive the results from a crucial test-a moment that would either mark the end of a somber chapter in my life or herald the beginning of an unexpected and daunting new journey. The prospect of being pregnant at this stage of my life was never a scenario I had envisioned, and the realization of its possibility weighed heavily on my mind. Yet, if fate deemed it to be so, then I was prepared to embrace this unforeseen path, trusting that whatever the outcome, it was meant to be.

The idea of having a child with Mike made me feel sick to my stomach. I had thought about this constantly since it happened.

"Layla Rhodes."

The nurse called my name to see the doctor and find out the results.

Christian told me he wanted to be with me when I got the results, but I wasn't ready yet so I would tell him later.

When i walked into the examining room I was greeted by a cheery yellow room, covered in different photos of pups, and mother-to-be magazines, with the occasional animated photos of the womb and it had "your pregnant vibes".

I sat on the examining table covered in paper with stir-ups on the sides. The nurse came in with a blood pressure cup and a stethoscope.

Gesturing me to put my arm out and uncross my legs, so she could take my blood pressure, watching her watch she counted as it squeezed my arm.

Taking the cup off "everything looks pretty normal, you look good, the doctor will be in a moment." The nurse said with a smile as she walked out the door.

A Soft knock on the door startled me, I was already nervous. I gestured for her to come in, she was a tiny woman with very beautiful blonde hair and warm brown eyes.

I noticed sympathy in her eyes, as she turned towards me and her spinning chair.

I had already peed in a cup when I first came in, so I knew she was giving me the results right now.

"I'm sorry in these circumstances it's very hard when something like this happens, but you're about 2 weeks along, I'm sorry Layla, but your urinalysis came out positive."

Dr. Sierra looked me straight in the eyes while placing her hand on mine to comfort me.

"We have a few options Layla, and when you leave here you're only 2 weeks pregnant."

"You have plenty of time to make a decision. usually, we'd like you to make that decision at the latest 6 weeks, I'm going to give you some pamphlets, and some prenatal vitamins so that you're prepared."

"If you decide to keep the pup" ...I quickly clear my voice.

"Yes, I am planning to keep the pup, well at least carry the pup if not I'm considering adoption."I had thought about this ever since they told me I needed to come in for another test and I knew what it was like without my mother.

So I couldn't imagine giving birth to a pup just for them to look for me later and find out their mother was a victim of rape, and then they would possibly think I didn't love them.

There's no book or pamphlet to read on a situation like this, I just couldn't imagine my pup out there all alone or possibly ending up with someone like Marie. I am this pup's mother and only I can provide the proper love and care it needs. This pup is not Mike's its mine. Although I've heard many people say it's an abomination or it should be aborted, I took the less traveled road and ultimately decided to keep my pup.

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