chapter 4

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Layla pov~

Before I knew it the last bell rang. My day
went so fast and was surprisingly easy, I was still a little bit worried about what Mike and Antonia would do, but I had othecr things on my mind...

Tonight at midnight I would be shifting for the first time  and I would be able to find my mate. I was nervous and terrified but excited at the same time.

  I rushed through the hallways trying to get out of the school before my bullies spotted me. I was in luck when I ran smack dab into my brother Taylor.

My 15-year-old brother, Taylor soon to be Beta, was a good person opposite of his mother.

  He has medium-length dishwater blonde hair, warm brown eyes the kind that comforted me when I had a shitty day.

All the younger girls pined over my brother they said he looked like a model. I didn't see it but I knew he was handsome. I would always have to get after my friends and tell them he was too young for them, and to back off or I would kick their ass.

Besides Taylor is a good kid, he said he would wait for his mate and didn't have time for girlfriends.  When he gets a little bit older, he might change his mind. But if that's what he wants to do I respect that.

Taylor grabbed my shoulders.
"What's wrong?"
He questioned, with a sympathetic look.

Before I could say anything, he interrupted me, "Are you okay sissy?"

Looking down, I nodded my head. "Yeah, I finally told off Mike and Antonia. Their constant teasing and torment was getting on my nerves for too long."

"But now you're worried about retribution?"
Taylor said, finishing my sentence. Suddenly his face changed and he gave me a solemn look.

"You know, sis, it won't always be like this. One day soon, you will have your wolf, and you'll have options. You'll be able to leave this pack and live the life you want," Taylor said, his voice filled with empathy. "I just hope that you allow me to be a part of it." His words carried a sense of understanding and a genuine desire to support me in finding my own path.

"Oh and by the way, there is a very "hot" Alpha waiting outside to give you a ride home." Taylor said, emphasizing the word hot with a sarcastic tone, and a smirk.

Excitement surged through me as I made my way to the main doors, only to find the most attractive guy in the entire pack waiting for me."Hey, Christian," I greeted him, feeling a tinge of awkwardness.

He handed me the helmet, motioning for me to get on the bike. "Okay," I replied, realizing that it was best to just follow his  lead.
Once again, he guided my arms and wrapped them around his waist. I couldn't fathom why he was being so considerate to me.
This time, I rested my chin near his neck, leaning my head on his shoulders and inhaling his scent. It was utterly intoxicating. I hadn't shifted yet, so I couldn't pinpoint exactly what he smelled like, but I knew it was enticing.

So, it's probably his Alpha aura, something she wolves are naturally attracted to, the more powerful, the more attracted we become.

That being said Alpha's can hide their aura or they can choose to release it.

Usually, they release it when they're trying to intimidate someone or attract someone.  Right now he was choosing to release it, so that gave me hope.
Considering I was attempting to hide the wetness between my legs so he didn't notice.

This Alpha didn't even have to touch me, I was already moist, and he knew it! Fucking wolf senses!

Christian suddenly swerved around a large SUV causing the driver to honk his horn loudly, scaring the hell out of me. I noticed He was sniffing the air and breathing in deep. My vagina was going to get us both killed, unfortunately, I couldn't control my arousal,  this was undoubtedly the most embarrassing moment of my life!
Wolves can be so cringy, I can't Imagine humans acting this way.

As we reached the pack house, I quickly got off the bike handing him back his helmet. Thanking him, he replied by giving me a tight hug, and a peck on the cheek. Before I could pull away he whispered; "I want you to Layla." His voice was smooth as silk and undeniably seductive, giving me goosebumps.

Once again the wetness pooled between my thighs, soaking my panties.

Our eyes locked and we stared at each other unmoving, our hearts thumping out of our chests beating as one.

Christian's gaze was intense as he moved his face closer to mine closing the distance, undoubtedly coming in closer for a kiss, but as his lips were almost touching mine I hurriedly looked away, I would probably be in his bed right now if I hadn't.

Christian realized this and nonchalantly gives me a wink and a soft smile.

"See you later Layla!"
he said as he drove off parking his bike.

I watched Christian drive away, feeling like an utter fool. He had actually tried to kiss me, and I turned him down. Who in their right mind would turn down an Alpha, especially someone as attractive as Christian? No one does, except for me, because I'm a complete idiot.

• •✿•♡• •  • •✿•♡• •  • •✿•♡• •  • •✿•♡• •

Today had been one of the best days I've had in a very long time. Surprisingly, I didn't mind doing my chores for once because I had a certain soon-to-be- Alpha to think about.

I knew I had to get my chores and homework done before Marie got home, so I Raced to the pack house. I had dishes, dinner, and pack laundry to do.

I was going to shift for the first time tonight all alone. Being of beta blood, it was customary for my parents to accompany me to a specific clearing for my shift, providing their support. However, my mother passed and my father was indifferent, so I would have to face this milestone alone. It didn't matter, though; I had grown accustomed to handling everything on my own, and I welcomed the solitude.

Carly let out a long exaggerated sigh. "As long as I am here you will never be alone Layla, you have me remember!"
she said in a sing-song voice.

" That's right I do. By the way, what do you think of Christian?"

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