Labor pains 27

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Christian's perspective:

The hospital corridors reverberated with the primal symphony of Layla's labor. Each gut-wrenching scream tore through me, a relentless reminder of the pain my mate endured to bring our pup into the world.

As Layla writhed in agony, I felt every ounce of her torment, a side effect of our unique bond. The relief washed over us both when the epidural kicked in, and I couldn't help but chuckle as Layla referred to it as 'the good shit.'

After scrambling into my bright blue scrubs, I nearly wiped out on the slick linoleum floors in my haste to reach the delivery room. Bursting through the doors, I was met with a surreal scene: two nurses flanked Layla, coaching her through the ordeal. It was a the scariest yet most amazing thing I had ever seen.

I rushed to her side, momentarily taken aback as her primal instincts surfaced, her canines bared in a feral display. For a split second, I was ready to bolt, fearing the unknown, until a kind nurse reassured me it was all part of the process.

Grasping Layla's trembling hand, I poured out my love and pride, offering what comfort I could as she braced for the final push. "You've got this, babe," I urged, dabbing her glistening brow with a cool cloth.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, the room was suddenly pierced by a tiny, miraculous sound - the first cry of our baby girl. As I reverently cut the cord, and the nurses tended to our precious girls, I was handed my swaddled angel, a sight that filled my heart to bursting.

She was a tiny thing, just 5 pounds and 3 ounces. Her skin bore the same natural olive hue as her mother's, accentuating her delicate raven-toned ringlets, adorable button nose, and the bluest eyes that would probably change within time.

Her bottom lip stuck out and quivered it practically broke my heart, and at that moment I knew I was absolutely, positively, her dad, and she would have me wrapped around her little finger.

Welcome to the world!

✿♡ °•Angel Rose Benson•°♡✿

"I'm so proud of you, Layla. She's perfect. I love you both so much! Goddess, how did I get so lucky?" I said, handing the pup over to her mama. Layla looked on lovingly,her eyes twinkled like diamonds, and I could tell she was going to be the most amazing mother. I couldn't wait to give Angel a little brother or sister.

I made my way out to the waiting room with the little one. As the alpha, I set the rules, and no one would tell me who could and couldn't see our Angel. The first one to run up was my mother, of course. As soon as she held Angel in her arms, Angel wrapped her hand around my mom's finger, and watching them bond, sharing such a beautiful moment, proved the incredible power of love. I knew this pup was going to be spoiled rotten.

Layla's father refused to come to the hospital, I heard that it was because he realized the truth and was u ashamed, which only worsened our strained relationship. It baffled me that he could be so blind. He was on the verge of losing his own blood daughter for the rest of his life if he didn't change, and I sincerely hoped that he would. However, Taylor was here, and that was all that mattered. Angel looked like a mix between Taylor and Layla, with the same nose and eyes.


At the first opportunity, I ventured out alone to shop for Angel, much to Layla's mild annoyance. My passion for lavish gift-giving was well-known, and this occasion would be no exception. From essential items like diapers to more long-term necessities such as a potty, I spared no expense. My determination to furnish Angel with every conceivable comfort and requirement burned within me, driving me to ensure her future was as opulent as it was secure.

Layla had never been one to embrace extravagant gifts, but with the new responsibilities of motherhood, there were countless essentials she required. Thus, I ensured she lacked for nothing, procuring a stroller, a carrier, a playpen,and the best gift of all a brand new SUV for her to get back and forth to where she needed to go, not to mention all the other requisite items.

However, she was not only the mother of my pup, but also my mate. With this in mind, I arranged a day of indulgence for her at a luxurious spa-complete with a pampering session for her nails and hair. The appointment was a token of my affection, a gesture to grant her a precious day of relaxation. I longed to extend the treat, but the thought of being separated from her for too long was unbearable. My love for both of them was unending, and the prospect of expanding our family filled me with an enduring sense of gratitude.

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