chapter 9

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Christians perspective ~

When I saw Layla her scent told me everything.  No longer the delicious strawberries and champagne I had come to crave. It was tainted with Mike's disgusting odor. Not to mention her appearance, battered and  covered in bruises all healing at a different rate, my heart broke seeing her in pain.

I knew what Mike had done. The fact he's still breathing is proof of my feelings for Layla. Her scent will return to normal as soon as she heals,  I can't wait, I miss her scent and so does my wolf. I'm so worried about Layla's mental state she's gone through nothing but pain, I can only hope that I can ease even a fraction of it.

Although, Layla begged me not to take action, it was difficult, but I had to respect her wishes, I wasn't in a position to make decisions for the pack yet and until I became Alpha there wasn't a whole lot I could do, but beat the hell out of him. If I wanted him legally punished I would have to tell my father, something Layla asked me not to do. It took all the strength I could muster not to kill Mike. Even though I would make his life a living hell every chance I had.

She explained wanting to move on and to put it behind her. Stating, it will just make the pack hate her more. But it's hard for me to move on when I have to see the bastard every other day, I can't imagine how Layla feels. But this is how I see it, If the pack feels that way about a rapist and continues to support him, then fuck the pack.

As soon as I'm Alpha, I'm banishing his ass. This transition period takes a lot of time and is killing me, I feel so powerless. Not to mention she asked me to keep his actions between us. Which makes it harder,I won't have a rapist living in this fucking pack, no matter what his rank is.

There are a few other disturbing things that caught my attention as well. So much so that I thought it was important I talked to my father, there's no way that he knows this  has been going on.

I approached my father's office, the weight of my concerns heavy on my mind. As I lightly knocked on the door, I called out, "Dad?" Upon entering, I found him buried under a mountain of paperwork, likely related to the upcoming transition of retiring pack members, a responsibility I would soon inherit. "Yes, son, come in and take a seat. What's on your mind?" he inquired, weariness evident in the lines of his face as he rested his forehead in his hand.

Summoning my courage, I broached the delicate topic. "Well," I began, carefully choosing my words, "are you aware that the soon-to-be gamma has been bullying pack members, particularly those of the opposite sex, and has committed some reprehensible acts? Additionally, our beta, Jacob, seems to be neglecting his duties as a father, or worse, turning a blind eye to the mistreatment of his daughter. It's something you should look into, Dad."

To my surprise, my father's response was calm and measured. "Actually, I am aware, son. I've learned that you took matters into your own hands and even administered physical punishment to the gamma without my knowledge."

"As for Layla Rhodes, there have been concerning rumors circulating. Antonia brought it to my attention that Layla allegedly seduced her soon to be chosen mate, and may even be spreading false rumors. Such baseless gossip has no place in our pack. Regarding Jacob, as you well know, we typically allow wolves, especially those in higher positions, to handle discipline within their own families. We generally refrain from intervening in such matters.

In that moment, I could no longer stay silent. It seemed apparent that he had been aware of these troubling issues all along. I felt compelled to share more with him than I had initially intended.

"First of all,DAD, why the hell does Layla live in a cramped closet? How long has the shit been going on? And how long have you known about it?"I questioned, the anger evident in my voice.

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