The Rogue king 👑21

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Layla's pov~

I was met by none other than Mike wearing what looked like a bear skin and but flap, tribal men wore. Mike appeared utterly wretched, and despite the despicable path he was paving, a pang of pity tugged at my heart. I shuddered at the thought of the bleak road I might have traveled, had I succumbed to the same pressures and turned rogue to evade the torment.

Thankfully, the goddess sent me a savior in the form of Christian that fateful day in the kitchen, rescuing me from Mike's clutches. Oh, if only Christian could be here now to shield me once more.

Although he was no longer the Mike I once knew. At first, I covered my mouth, a snort escaping me as I struggled to contain a laugh. He looked utterly preposterous, and I couldn't fathom what kind of impression he intended to make. If Antonia or anyone else that knew him as well as I did could witness his absurd appearance at that moment, they would undoubtedly be doubled over with laughter. I guess he was attempting to be imposing and intimidating but he just looked utterly ridiculous.

Mike's eyes were pitch black and lacking emotion, I noticed patches on his scalp that once held Blonde tousled hair now red and blotchy and covered in scabs.

He adorned a crown that looked to be made of finger bones, arranged from the largest to the shortest bones, giving him a uniquely terrifying crown.

His canines were elongated and covered in what looked to be blood and saliva.

As he looked at me snarling and said.

"Oh so you think you can just live happily ever after with the Alpha after you left me and ruined my life!
I see you're not marked yet, Mike sniffed the air attempting to detect changes in my scent brought on by mating, it seems you're not mated either, it warms my heart to know I'm the only person you've been with" he continued " so all I have to do is Mark you, and you're mine again." I didn't know if he was being sarcastic or was just fucking delusional but I just sat there quietly I didn't want to say anything and escalate the situation further.

"I know that's my pup! I can't believe you thought I would let some other wolf raise my pup, stupid bitch," he spat, his words dripping with contempt and landing on my face.

His scent, once fragrant with toasted coconut and vanilla, now reeked of decay and death, assaulting my senses with its putrid stench.

Mike had devolved into a feral, animalistic creature, a rogue consumed by his own savagery. I knew that his actions would ultimately lead to his demise.

"Mike, you rejected me, remember? You chose that path. I did my best to stay clear of you and let you live your life. Now it's your turn to do the same!" I retorted, my anger bubbling to the surface, the urge to strike him almost overpowering.

"Don't call me that! I'm King Weaver, The Rogue King! I earned this crown by defeating the former king and consuming his heart! I left his remains scattered along the border, for Your precious Alpha to find" he proclaimed, punctuating his words with a maniacal cackle. As Mike's revelation sank in, a chilling realization took hold. It all made sense now. Mike, with meticulous planning, had orchestrated the placement of the remains along the border. This calculated move was designed to deceive and mislead the pack, shrouding his own sinister trail in a web of deceit, catching us all by Surprise for Mike's unsuspected attack.

"Despite enduring the relentless daily torment and physical brutality, and even Antonia's, I extended an olive branch, desperate to salvage what we had. I truly tried, Mike. I was prepared to forgive and forget, too bury the pain, all for the hope of having you by my side as my mate," I recounted, my voice quivering with raw emotion.

"But now I know, you don't want to be with me, You want to possess me!" I screamed, my patience wore thin. There was another life growing inside of me, and my wolf and I were determined to protect it at all costs.

"You can't even tell me why or give me a reason that makes any sense.
Where's Antonia anyway?" I asked trying to calm him down and change the subject.

"That's a good question, that's another reason I'm here, after finding her mate, she left me because she wanted to save herself for her mate!"

"This is on you, too. If I hadn't gotten into trouble, I wouldn't have turned rogue. I'd still be a respected gamma, living the good life within the pack, with her by my side as my chosen. Sadly,My wolf adored you from the beginning. He was blameless in all of this, and now I regret ignoring his instinctive warnings. He was right about Antonia, she's a whore and she was just jealous of you." I never did blame his wolf, I was sure that he had wanted me, due to the longing stares and regretful glances.

"You're never going to guess who her mate is!" Mike said in a wicked tone.

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