wounded 23

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Christian's perspective~

I've been attempting to contact Layla all day without any success; her phone is switched off, and she's unresponsive on the mind link.

Despite the knowledge that the Alpha Training Center was fortified with heavy security measures and notorious for its lack of reception, I couldn't fathom why my parents had entrusted Layla's safety to a lone ranking member. It seemed inconceivable that they would leave her vulnerable in such a perilous environment, where danger lurked around every corner.

The Alpha Training Center lay shrouded behind an imposing barrier of thick steel, a grim testament to the ever-present threat of attacks. Its formidable gate loomed like a silent sentinel, seemingly impregnable to the outside world. Within its confines, cell phone signals struggled to penetrate the heavy atmosphere, leaving us isolated and cut off from the outside world. The mind link, our last tether to communication, failed to bridge the vast distance, leaving Layla and me stranded in a void of silence. As minutes stretched into agonizing hours, I could only imagine the gripping fear that must have consumed Layla, her mind undoubtedly plagued by relentless worry and dread.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my arm, but it wasn't my own. My wolf urgently conveyed, "Mate's in trouble! Something's wrong! Mate's hurt!"

In a flurry of urgency, my family and I hastily packed up, fully aware that it would take time to return to the pack house-time we simply couldn't spare.

Layla's Perspective~

I used a key chain to create a wound on my arm, desperately hoping that Christian would sense it. Bound and confined for most of the day and night, I didn't realize that I had struck a vein in my arm so as I tried to conceal the blood loss, I also endured persistent cramps in my lower abdomen.

I couldn't discern whether I had passed out or simply drifted into a fitful slumber, but when I awoke, the putrid stench of Mike's breath assaulted me as he callously played with my hair. His repulsive kisses traced a nauseating path near the spot where I would be marked, igniting a surge of revulsion and dread within me. In that harrowing moment, my mind raced with desperate schemes to extricate myself from this nightmarish ordeal.

"Good morning, gorgeous. Did you sleep well?" Mike's words dripped with nauseating sweetness as he attempted to mask his unsettling behavior. "Seems you did. I laid next to you all night long, cradling you in my arms. Don't you like the feeling of having your mate next to you?" His words, intended to be endearing, only served to deepen my unease and anger. "I think I should mark you today," he added, his tone taking a chilling turn. I recoiled in horror, my expression a silent testament to the nightmare unfolding.

"Actually, Mike, I'm going to have to ask you to hold off on that. It's not safe for the pup, and that's why Christian waited. He's concerned for our safety. Considering you're the father of the pup, I think that should matter to you as well," I said, in a desperate attempt to convince him.

I implored him to wait, emphasizing that if he truly cared as he claimed, he would exercise patience. However, I feared I couldn't stall him much longer.

My body ached, and my heart pounded; I hadn't eaten anything the entire time. Mike tried to coax me into eating wild game he had forced the other rogues to hunt, assuming it was normal for a rogue, but it felt anything but normal to me.

I inflicted the wound almost a day ago, desperately hoping that Christian would arrive soon, for some reason my condition only seemed to worsen and my wolf was not healing me.

After taking a closer look, I realized the wound was deeper than I expected, I began feeling dizzy and light-headed, and I seemed to be losing blood more and more rapidly at an alarming rate.

Soon my vision was blurry and I was surrounded by darkness with my wolf who pleaded with me to wake up.

"Wake up!
You have to stay awake for the pup Layla!"
Carly shouted. "I'm trying to heal you, and I'm trying to protect our pup we haven't eaten and have no energy to heal, I'm afraid you'll die if you fall asleep! Please wake up!" Carley continued to plead without luck. As Mike lay next to me his body contorted and twisted around mine.

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