meeting his mom 19

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Layla's pov~

My wolf was getting anxious and impatient about being marked. I found it increasingly difficult to keep my wolf content, which troubled me, especially since Christian hadn't mentioned anything about being marked. I often attributed it to my pregnancy and assumed that he wanted to wait. But lately, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was ashamed because we never went out or did anything together.
It was very annoying but I wasn't quite ready anyway.

Besides something else has me curious lately. I noticed Antonia around more and more even my father said he wanted to speak with me about something important.

I knew he was angry about Taylor moving in. But as far as I was concerned he was no longer my father, considering he sided with Mike what kind of father does that?

Today, Christian would be departing for a three-day stint to complete his final round of training before assuming the role of Alpha. As he readied himself to leave, I handed him a pillowcase infused with my scent, hoping it would bring him comfort and soothe his wolf. Yet, I couldn't ignore the weight of what his departure signified-I would soon need to be marked and mated to assume the position of Luna.

Upon Christian's return, I would commence my training under the guidance of our Luna, Candace Benson, the mate of Jason Benson, our Alpha, and also my mate's parents. Up to this point, their interactions with me had been minimal, although I had hoped to leave a positive impression as I transitioned to the Alpha's floor and family suite, I don't think I did.

Our relationship had been limited to brief hellos in passing, and I wondered if they were aware of the Gamma's actions or my pregnancy. With my growing bump now visible, the truth would soon become apparent, as wolves typically carried their pups for only six months.

The impending changes filled me with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, as I navigated the complexities of my new role and the challenges that lay ahead.

I often found myself Feeling lost without Christian's comforting presence, I wandered through the pack garden, yearning for a distraction. The vibrant blooms beckoned to me, and I longed to brighten my room with their fresh fragrance. Donning my favorite pink sundress, which gracefully hugged my growing bump, and a delicate straw hat, I indulged a chilled glass of my beloved iced lemon tea as I strolled through the serene surroundings.

As I wandered, a sense of unease gripped me when I noticed a figure nearby. Startled, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and turned to find Antonia standing there, her warm gaze meeting mine.

"Hey, Luna," she greeted me with unexpected kindness, "I just wanted to check in on you, offer my support, and unwavering friendship, If you need anything, I'm here for you." Her genuine concern caught me off guard, and I struggled to comprehend such selfless compassion, so unfamiliar to me. "I'm not Luna yet, Antonia," I responded, forcing a wary smile, my suspicions lingering like a shadow. Why was Antonia of all people, kissing my ass all of a sudden?

"I know, but calling you Luna just feels right," Antonia began, her voice carrying a weight of sincerity. "I want to extend my apologies for the way I've treated you, for everything, Layla. I'm truly sorry for the pain I've caused you in the past. I hope that one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Her hands rested gently on my shoulders as she pulled me into a hesitant side hug, her remorse seemed to be genuine. Though the embrace felt unfamiliar and somewhat awkward, I knew that as the future Luna, I needed to show my willingness to forgive, Mastering problem-solving skills and guiding others in resolving conflicts within the pack held immense significance. How can I do that if I'm not a good
role model, and practice what I preach.

I eventually sighed in defeat,"I'll do my best, Antonia," I replied, treading carefully. "But you have to understand, you've put me through a lot, so it may take some time."

Antonia nodded, her smile carrying a newfound warmth that hinted at the possibility of redemption.

Suddenly, a familiar scent wafted towards me, one I had often encountered near my room.



I heard a voice calling through the numerous rows of sunflowers, I was met by a stunning auburn-haired woman with bright blue eyes, dressed in business attire with a burgundy suit coat hanging over her shoulder, giving her a relaxed look.

She looked incredibly young but her scent told me she was older and was Christian's mother.

I recognized her, we did sorta live together.

"Good morning Luna!" I said giving her a welcoming smile.
"I'm afraid we haven't officially met before."

"My name is Candace I'm Christian's mother, and please enough with the formalities, you can call me Candace, Candy, or Mom." She said with a big smile and a soft chuckle.

I reached my hand out to greet her, but she scoffed and wrapped her arms around me.

"We are family dear, I'm so pleased to finally meet you!" she said looking down in confusion and glancing back up at me with her hand on my womb.

My eyes went big as I struggled to explain.."wait it's not what u think."

Instead, a very big smile grew on her face, and before I could utter another word she spoke; "Oh my Goddess, I'm going to be a grandma!"

" Wait no.. please let me explain."
Candy's hands dropped to her side.

"What's wrong, what is it?"

I stammered. "I'm pregnant by my first mate, our encounter was not consensual, he rejected me soon after." I didn't want to tell anyone especially her but I felt like I was backed into a corner at this point. I felt like I couldn't lie to her.

"Who is it ?
I'll kill the bastard!"
Candace said eyes filled with anger and sorrow.

"The Ga-mma I mean Mike Weaver."
I said with a sob. " Please don't kick me out, I cried, Christian knows and has decided to support me in my decision."

"I have decided to keep the pup, please don't tell anyone". I sobbed.

Candace wrapped her arms around me.

Tears streamed down her face as she spoke, "I'm still going to be a grandma because you are still family. I'm so sorry, honey, I didn't know." Her gentle touch comforted me as she continued, "I've been through something similar, so if you ever need anyone to speak to about this, just know I'm here, sweetheart."

As I lifted my head from Candy's shoulder, I caught sight of Antonia lurking behind the sunflowers, eavesdropping on our conversation. A surge of curiosity overcame me, as I pondered how she would continue to interact with me. Did she still harbor doubts about my honesty? Although my trust in others had waned, I remained committed to treating them with respect and kindness.

"So, have you thought of any names you like?" Candy said excitedly. Her interruption of my thoughts was a welcome reprieve, and her ability to accept that my pup was not her son's and still share in my excitement meant the world to me. I had a feeling we were going to be very close.

ReJecTeD by the GammA Loved by the Alpha Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora