† Oh My Goddess! † 20

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Layla's perspective ~

Lately Luna Candy had been my steadfast companion, but today, the weight of solitude bore down on me. No calls or messages from Christian since he left – three days had passed, and still no sign of him. Even Christian's parents shared my concern, deciding to visit the training center to check on their son. The passage of time only deepened the unsettling feeling gnawing at my insides.

Despite my wolf's intuition, there had been no inkling of Christian being in danger. All Carley could do was pace and whimper, reflecting my own unease.

Then, a sudden commotion erupted downstairs, Carley pleaded with me to stay put. Ignoring her persistent warnings, I descended into the elevator. With each floor, my wolf grew more agitated, pleading with me to turn back and protect our pup.

My wolf Carley begged, "stay in the elevator!"

"Please we have to protect the pup and go back!"

Nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see, the elevator dinged opening the doors, and I was met with a horrific sight.

"I begged.
No, please!
I'm pregnant!"
As I was dragged out of the elevator by my hair.

I saw several pack members of all ages hog-tied, as pups screamed scared and upset they were locked in the shared pack house kitchen.
Their parents must be the pack members who are tied up.

I was set upon by an individual who emitted the unmistakable scent of a rogue, his likely blonde hair matted with dirt and twigs, a feral appearance accentuated by his disheveled, blood- and dirt-streaked attire. His unsettling, mustard yellow eyes protruded from their sockets, saliva dripping from his elongated canines, presenting a sight that struck terror into my very core.

To my dismay, he was not alone; at least three additional rogues lurked menacingly at his side. Their collective countenance evoked primal, animalistic aggression, their predatory instincts overriding any semblance of human rationality. They resembled ravenous beasts, driven by raw instinct rather than reason. But why had they targeted me? What sinister purpose lay behind their intent?

"What  the fuck do you want?
I'm pregnant please don't hurt me!"
A large terrifying smile grew on the  rogue's face."We know you're pregnant, Luna!"He  said laughing maniacally.

"We have a surprise for you,"  he said calling out, his protruding soulless eyes still locked on mine.

"Boss!..we got her!"

My eyes went wide with shock and fear when I realized who their boss was...

The moment I recognized their boss, I made a desperate attempt to flee, but my efforts were in vain. With a surge of adrenaline, I extended my claws and struck out, raking them across the rogue's face. Blood trickled down his forehead as he let out a guttural howl of agony, only to swiftly regenerate before seizing me and flinging me over his shoulder. I knew deep in my gut that whatever sinister fate lay in store at the hands of his boss, it spelled nothing but trouble.

Instead of continuing to struggle, I made the gut-wrenching decision to do whatever it took to safeguard myself and my pup. As he carried me over his shoulder, I pleaded desperately, "My mate is the alpha. We can fulfill any wish you have. Just say the word. Spare me and these innocent people, and you can slip away, free and unharmed."

I strained to infuse my words with sincerity, but the rogue's response was harsh and bitter. "You think I'm a fool? You know nothing of the life I lead. We're all bound by the chains of a leader, forced to fight for survival in the unforgiving wilderness or clash with our own kind within a pack. Even if we flee for our own safety or another we're hunted down by pack members that used to call us family, it doesn't matter what we do or whose ass we kiss, no one cares for rogues. I've already lost everything, so that means I have nothing to lose. Remember that," he growled, his anger laced with a sorrow I couldn't comprehend.

"Think about it," I whispered urgently. "You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We can offer you a new life, a family, a safe haven, a warm bed, and a meal on the table. Whatever you need, it's yours," I implored, striving to tempt him into a pact. He drew in a deep breath, and for a fleeting moment, I sensed that he was considering my offer. However, he remained silent, and I knew then that he had ultimately turned away from the prospect.

Refusing to give up, I grasped at one last straw. "What's your name?" I inquired, aiming to exude genuine curiosity. "I can tell the alpha that you showed me respect and kindness. I can vouch for your skills as a formidable fighter and a valuable warrior. You have no idea the potential that lies within you if you choose to leave this behind. Bad things happen, but we can rise above them. You don't have to let this consume you," I urged, my words filled with earnest conviction. However, my plea fell on deaf ears as I was unceremoniously set down before his boss.

As he turned to leave, I strained to catch his parting words. "The name's Ryan, and you're not the only captive here,"he murmured, barely audible as he retreated. A glimmer of realization struck me—he was still young, with a chance for redemption. I held onto that hope, but for now, I focused on the immediate need to forge an unlikely alliance in this dire situation, hoping it might just save my life, and that I had made the right decision in talking to Ryan.

Surveying my grim surroundings, I pondered the significance of Ryan's words—"you're not the only captive." The other rogues appeared worn-out, drained, and emaciated, likely a result of the deprivation of shelter, food, and basic necessities essential for survival. The absence of these essentials had driven them to the brink, causing a descent into desperation and madness. No one should endure such conditions. Determined to offer a glimmer of kindness in their lives, something they hadn't experienced in far too long, I resolved to extend a sense of compassion to these downtrodden souls.
With this gesture, I hoped to secure my own chance at survival.

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