The Beginning

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Sometimes, things happen. You can't change them. You can't outrun the outcome. 

You can only stand your ground. 


At least try to. 


Branches and vines whipped across his face as he ran. Sticks and leaves broke underfoot. There was no destination in mind. Just survival. Blood stuck to leaves every now and then, leaving a trail to follow. Not that it mattered. 

The sky was darkened by storm clouds; lightning clashing in the sky. Trees swayed as the wind rolled in from the ocean shore, waves a torrent; leaving the air humid and thick. 

He didn't try and think of a reason for what was happening. There was no time. He accepted each and every word even if it was against his whole being. But as each accusation was spoken aloud, he felt it stab his heart. Every lie spoken by Zeus, Hera, and Ares stung. But he held his ground. That is, until his father was commanded to disown him. Poseidon almost ripped Zeus apart right then and there. If the other gods wouldn't have held him back maybe the outcome would have been different. Others were defending the boy as well but it didn't matter. He didn't think this would have been the outcome. 

As Zeus spoke the final accusation, something about the boy seeking to become the most powerful demigod and wanting to take over Olympus, he forced Poseidon's hand. Forgetting how powerful the king of the gods can be when provoked, Poseidon refused. Zeus' master bolt hit Poseidon before his could blink. The boy screamed his name. Apollo at the sea god's side instantly, glaring at Zeus. 

Poseidon was dazed and taken aback. His eyes met with the boys. Tears streamed down his son's face. Sea green eyes dark with pain, concern, and apprehension. Somehow he looked more mature than ever before.

"It's okay dad. Please don't resist... it will be okay." His voice cracking, just like his soul.

The sea god looked away as he mustered the strength to speak the words.

"I Poseidon, god of the sea, hereby disown my son.... Percy Jackson."

A crash was heard in the distance, symbolizing the decree, and with it, the throne room instantly filled with agonized screams from the boy as his powers were ripped from his being. Nothing could have prepared Poseidon for the torture his son was now going through. The room erupted into chaos.

Poseidon launched himself at Zeus with his trident in hand. 

The room seemed to spin to the boy kneeling on the ground gasping for breath. 

His hearing was going in and out. His vision blurry. 

"Percy!!" He faintly heard his name being yelled. He spit a bit of blood on the ground as he coughed. 

"Percy! Leave at once!" 

He looked to his right as his vision focused. Artemis was dressed in battle armor and was blocking a strike from Ares who was trying to kill the boy. 

"Run Percy!" Artemis yelled again.

The boy gathered his strength and ran. Not looking back.


Percy stopped to catch his breath. Leaning heavily against a tree, his face, arms and legs stung from the branches and vines that whipped his body while running. Blood was dripping from a few of the gashes. Nothing major. 

His heart and soul were another issue all together. His fatal flaw. His loyalty to them in question...

He could no longer feel the connection to the sea. He could not summon water to help heal the cuts and bruises. He dropped to his knees. It felt like is insides were pulled apart and put back together but something important was missing.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now