The Attack

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Poseidon had been attending the usual meetings with the demigods when the horn sounded for an attack. But the demigods were not prepared for what came. The number of monsters quickly overwhelmed the campers defending the border.

That was when the Primordial appeared. He snapped his fingers and the protective barrier vanished. All chaos let loose. Poseidon knew he needed to leave. He wasn't allowed to intervene. It was against the ancient laws. But he couldn't just leave seeing these kids like this. For the gods sake, a Primordial is attacking their children and the gods are supposed to ignore this?

He was shaken out of his thoughts when Tartarus screamed out, "Where is Jackson?! Chase! I will find you and kill you both!"

Poseidon paled. He was going after his son and his fiancé. He was glad Percy was not here at this moment. And he would not leave Annabeth to fight on her own. Not with Percy being gone. He knew they had escaped Tartarus' grasp once before; he would assure it again.

He didn't know where Annabeth was, but he was determined to find her before the enemy did.

The seven grabbed Annabeth as soon as the Primordial appeared. She had frozen in place and all color had left her face. She was lost in memories. Traveling through the deadly caverns with poison filled air, drinking the river of fire, the curses Percy took upon himself to save her, Bob, the doors of death.... it all came crashing into her like a wall of bricks.

She could hear Tartarus screaming for Percy and her. She felt her friends pull her away from the battle. Chiron was giving orders, and campers moved into their positions as trained. Annabeth ripped her arm from Piper's hold. "Stop. I will not hide from this battle."

"Annabeth! A freaking Primordial is after you!" Piper screamed.

"What's new. This is my home, and I will fight to defend it just like everyone else."

Before Piper could react, Annabeth ran into the chaos to try and help where needed.

Annabeth had lost count of the number of monsters she turned to dust but as she took down another hellhound she felt the air shift faintly. She instantly hit the ground as a blade came arching over her.

"My, my, look who I found." Tartarus sneered. Annabeth was instantly on her feet in a defensive position. Her grey eyes filled with calculations and ways she could beat her opponent. She knew what her chances were but that didn't keep her from trying.

"You know I have waited for a long time to finally seek my revenge."

Annabeth didn't respond.

"Where is the sea spawn little demigod?"

"None of your concern Tartarus."

"Oh, it is every bit of my concern," he purred out, "He will pay. He will watch the love of his life suffer and die before his very eyes." She didn't know where her seaweed brain was but she was glad he was missing in this very moment. Glad Tartarus couldn't hurt him.

"He's not here."

Tartarus tsked. "What a shame. I was looking forward to killing you in front of him. I guess this will have to do for now."

Annabeth was able to block the first hit but not the second. She hissed as she took a cut to the arm. Blood rapidly appearing. She immediately tapped into the new methods she was learning for evading. She knew she couldn't beat him alone but if she could hold out long enough for someone to join, they might have a chance.

The dance of battle continued, and she held her own pretty well until Tartarus got bored. "Enough!" He bellowed. A wave of darkness flowing out of him; knocking Annabeth off her feet and into a tree. Her breath was knocked out of her at the impact though she tried to stand. As she glanced up Tartarus was making his way to her. Eyes gleaming with delight.

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