It's Time

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The Olympians had taken Chaos' advice and instantly started planning. They all discussed ideas and of course random things thanks to Demeter, Aphrodite and Apollo. "So, I have a question." Hestia spoke. The others looked to her to continue. "What about our so called 'ancient laws' that forbid us from intervening with our children?"

No one spoke. Almost every Olympian that had a child hated that law. Zeus cleared his throat, "Well, we cannot intervene with their battles. But I don't see why we cannot fight Chaos' brother."

"Wait, so are you saying that if anyone other than Order attacks our children you don't want us to intervene?!" Apollo asked.

"Well, yes. It is forbidden."

"Zeus, Order is raising an army, and you can bet he will not be fighting until he wants to." Poseidon cut in.

"It doesn't matter. We will not break the ancient laws now."

Athena scowled. "Father that is unwise."

"I don't care Athena. No one is allowed to intervene in the demigod's fights until Order shows up, got it?" Zeus demanded. The gods all mumbled some kind of response and proceeded plan making grudgingly.

Athena created plans with Ares as they talked war and strategy. The other gods would chime in when something about one of their specific skills was brought up to help. By the end of the meeting, they had plans set for when Order attacked camp or Olympus. As well as training guides for themselves and the campers. They made copies of the training details and tactics to learn for Chiron who would then teach the cabin leaders who would teach the rest of the campers.


When the news came out that Chaos visited the Olympians the campers were in awe. They mostly didn't believe that the creator of the universe would help them, but then again, the prophecy did mention his son. Yet, they didn't like the idea of having to learn something new. It had been a rough few weeks at camp, learning new styles and war tactics from another planet or world. But slowly, the campers seemed to at least be able to do some of the basics.

Every day different groups of campers would focus on a different skill set from the Chaos' army's training details. As the days moved on and they began to see improvements, the camp started to feel confident again. They had a chance now and they would not let it go to waste.

It had already been another month. Today was meeting day. Annabeth had just entered the big house for their meeting about Percy. She let out a breath as she walked to the meeting room. She wanted Percy back so much. She glanced down at the ring on her finger. It glistened in the light. An ache filled her chest as she longed to fill his arms around her again. To feel his warmth, to breathe in the faint smell of the ocean.

A small smile formed on her lips thinking about him. She entered the meeting room to find most of the head campers there. It looks like they were missing Leo, Will, and Thalia.

She went and sat next to Hazel and Piper. Leo came in next covered in dirt and had black streaks on his face and hands from working in the armory. He has been working on building new weapons for the campers to use in the war. Next was Thalia, followed closely by Will. Thalia coming from a training session with the hunters and Will from a medical class that was teaching younger campers more healing practices and basic wound processes if they needed to help others on the battlefield.

It was right on the dot for the meeting to start when a bright light filled the room. Everyone turned away or closed their eyes. "Hello Poseidon. Thanks for joining us again." Annabeth greeted.

"Hello Annabeth. Any new updates this month?"

None of the demigods spoke as they glanced down in sadness. "The hunters, nor Artemis have been able to search now that we have been focusing on the upcoming war." Thalia said.

Some of the campers spoke up, "We haven't had the time to search either. This training has been intense."

"It seems we might be forced to pause with this, but I am grateful for all of you. You cared for Percy when I could not, and I am proud to call all of you family." Poseidon said.

Some of the demigods nodded their heads, others smiled softly thinking of memories of Percy.

Annabeth didn't want to stop these meetings. Even with a war coming. She felt like she was giving up on him if she did. She opened her mouth to speak when a the sound of alarm filled the air.




Three blows. An attack.


An alarm sounded from one of Chaos' many emergency receivers from across the universe on his desk. Chaos looked over and instantly paled. It was time.

He paused for a second, worry filling him. He knew Percy could handle himself but that didn't keep him from being concerned. As soon as the thought had formed it was dismissed. He reached over and pushed the button that would signal an emergency deployment of sector 1 which held 6 sections.

'Percy. Luke. It's time.' He mind-messaged.

Percy instantly flashed into his office. Chaos looked him over before standing and without saying a word, gave him a fierce hug. Percy welcomed it. As he pulled back Percy's armor appeared along with his crown. Percy hated the thing, but Chaos always made him wear it on missions.

Neither one of them spoke as understanding passed through them both without saying a single word physically or mentally.

Be safe.

I will.

If you need me just call.

I will.

Don't do anything stupid.

I can't promise you that.

I love you.

I love you too dad.

And without another minute passing Percy flashed out to the armory to meet up with Luke and sector 1.

Chaos just stared at where Percy stood. Smiling as how far he has come. He would be fine, and he would kick that Primordial's a**. But that didn't keep a father from fretting.

He tried to feel his son's emotions, but he found nothing. Ever since the time Percy broke his wing, he had started building a wall so Chaos couldn't feel what he felt. Every now and then something would slip through if Percy was tired or wanted it to, but he currently felt nothing.

He sat back down as he reset the alarm system for the camp. He would know when another attack happened and would be on guard in case they needed him. He focused on his task at hand: building his army, training the remaining sectors harder, and guarding their home from Order if he decided to attack the palace.

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