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"I present to you your new Co-Commander: Son of Chaos, Prince of the Stars, Perseus Jackson."

The army stood and bowed on a knee to the creator and their new leader. He looked royal. The crown resting on his head. Wings extended somewhat to be seen. Black cloak swaying faintly with gold details along the edge. Dual swords rested between his wings – their golden hilts seen over his shoulders. Hidden daggers were in many areas' unseen. Boots coming up to mid-calf, gold swirls trailing the edges. Silver and gold stitching made a stunning pattern in the center of his chest piece going up to his shoulders under the cloak. The same details on the hems of the sleeves. He held himself with strength and power he knew he needed to show. He was now their commander. They looked up to him. He was also now the son of Chaos. He had a reputation to hold.

"Rise." Chaos said.

The army then erupted in cheers and claps as Chaos smiled at Percy and pushed him towards the army to get to know them. Luke gave Percy a mock bow before wrapping his arms around Percy's shoulders and leading him to meet his warriors.


It had been a week since Percy was introduced to the army. Everyone seemed to love the guy. Luke and Percy had started training with each other every day. They sometimes would train for hours straight, not noticing time slip by. Percy had yet to explain anything but that was okay with Luke. As long as Percy was okay, he wasn't going to push his friend to get answers. At least, not yet.

Luke was up later than normal as he lounged in the 'hangout room' as he liked to call it. He was on the sofa playing Call of Duty when Percy shuffled in.

Percy didn't seem to notice him at first. Luke saw him out of the corner of his eye, he had a faraway look in his eyes. "Oh Luke, you are still up. Care if I join you?" Noticing the blonde on the sofa.

"Sure." Shuffling over a bit. Percy plopped down. Percy obviously had been asleep before coming in here. His hair was extra messy, and his clothes were disheveled. Luke was then snipped off the battlefield in his game. He didn't care. Percy was lost in his thoughts, just staring at the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"What?" Percy asked, focusing again. "Oh, yeah. I'm okay."

"No you're not."

Percy looked Luke in the eyes finally.

"Don't act like I haven't noticed the way you act. The glazed over look you give when you are lost in your thoughts. I have been Chaos' commander for years now Percy. I know when my soldiers have experienced traumas. I know when they are not okay. And you are not okay."

Luke turned himself fulling, facing Percy on the sofa. Percy looked down. "You know you can tell me anything right? We are friends now." Percy nodded, "yeah, I know."

Percy didn't mind telling Luke; he just wasn't sure if he himself was ready to talk about it. He guessed now would be a good time. "I don't know where to start."

Luke's eyes met Percy's again. He smiled gently to him in reassurance. When he realized Percy wasn't about to continue, he leaned back slightly; attention going back to his game. He wasn't going to push it. They sat in silence for a bit.

"The gods tried to kill me."

Luke looked back at Percy. His eyes now heavy with pain, thinking about what happened. "What do you mean?" he asked slowly.

Percy told him everything. It just spilled out after that. He even told him some more details about the wars and what they had accomplished and been through. How he proposed to Annabeth. How Zeus basically kidnapped him from camp. About the false accusations against him and how other gods agreed. How Zeus forced Poseidon to disown him. Luke didn't say a word. He just listened.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now