Tricks of Darkness

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The next moment was a blur.

Chaos shot a powerful beam of energy at his brother. Order hit the ground hard, totally caught off guard. Percy's body dropped to the ground. Lifeless.

Chaos now stood over him protectively. He didn't dare take his eyes off his enemy as tears streaked his face, ragged harsh breaths filling the air. Eyes full of hate, sorrow and despair. He couldn't feel anything from the boy laying behind him.

Luke had sprinted to his friends side the moment he saw clearly through the darkness now gone.

"Percy!" Tears falling from his eyes as he noticed the daggers placement. "C-come on bud... d-don't do this to me. Wake up! Perce!" Sorrow took him over.

Anger and hate filled the creator's whole being as his powers pushed themselves to the surface. Nature itself responded. The wind blew, lightning flashed as thunder followed in the blue sky above. Fire, water, and earth were swirling around him.

Order stood up from where he had landed from the blast. He looked at the boy behind Chaos and smiled a sinister grin before laughter began to fill the air again.

The dark and empty sounds of his laugh is what brought Poseidon back to consciousness. 

As he stood back up he ignored the ichor running down his face from his head and took in the sight before him.

Percy was on the ground.... Luke was shaking him with pleading, sorrowful cries.... Chaos stood in front of the two looking down right terrifying....

'No....' he said to himself as he realized what happened.

The sea god looked to where Order now stood.

The higher being had been roughed up and had ichor showing in multiple spots but nothing major. Chaos looked down right deadly as he materialized a golden sword to his hands. He had a less injuries than his brother which encouraged the sea god slightly. Poseidon summoned his trident and slowly walked beside the creator. 

Neither one dared to take their eyes off Order to acknowledge the other but they both took defensive positions. Readying themselves.

Order had just made his final mistake. 

No one touched their son. 

No one hurt their son.

And by no means would you dare take his life and not pay the consequences. 

The sea god seemed to glow with power as well. The seas became rough and dark, the air filled with the smell of electricity and water and the skies blackened as storm clouds rolled in. People forget Poseidon had control over the weather close to the sea. That one of his many names is Stormbringer.

Order seemed to finally take notice of the two threats before him and the laughing stopped.

Both creation and sea stood in front of him flowing with power. 

Order summoned his sword that had been disposed of by the demigod spawn earlier and took a battle stance before charging at the two immortals before him. 

If they wanted a fight, he would give it to them. They were forgetting who he was. The sky darkened even more as the earth began to crack. Red hot fire came from the crevasses.

"You want a fight Chaos. Then let us fight." Order yelled.

Chaos vanished and reappeared behind him swiping in an upward arch with his sword while Poseidon willed a wall of water to appear before him. It appeared to fast for Order to react and he hit the water like a brick wall. Chaos' sword found its mark and a large gash appeared down his back.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now