Dreams & Plans

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Percy woke to darkness surrounding him. His breath instantly hitched. 

The air burned his lungs.

'No, no, no, no... that was all a dream. I'm still stuck here.'

"You thought I would just let you leave?" Order voiced through the darkness.

"The little son of Chaos thought he could just leave and I wouldn't notice!"

Percy thrashed against his restraints. He had to get out now or he wasn't going to see anyone he loved again. He was going to die here...

His body screamed for him to stop. Just as he was about to give up he felt the pressure around his arms loosen. He didn't dare open his eyes to see what Order had in store for him. 

To his surprise he suddenly felt a warmth seep around him. 'What?'

Then he felt the soft strokes of a hand running through his hair. 

He took a breath and realized it didn't burn. So he took another, welcoming the clean air.

He then picked up on a cozy, fresh, citrusy scent.... he forced his eyes to open.


A few hours into the night the steady rough breaths turned quick and shallow. 

Chaos' eyes snapped open and focused on the boy laying in the bed.

Percy was suddenly thrashing around and started tangling up the sheets. 

The creator was instantly by his side and trying to calm him. 

Luke was awake now as well. 

Percy cried out in pain as he moved his body roughly.

"Percy! Calm down! Wake up. You're okay!" Luke said as he grabbed hold of his friends arms to keep him from injuring himself more.

That only seemed to make the situation worse. Percy just tried harder to break free of Luke's hold. 

Luke let out a few curses, holding someone down when they are in pure terror is hard but holding someone down with giant wings is even harder. 

Both Chaos and Luke were losing this battle. 

Luckily for them Annabeth was up and had entered the room.

"What's happening?!"

"Nightmare." Luke grunted out.

"Idiots. Let go of him." She hissed out as she approached. 

She and Percy have shared many nights together and for this very reason. 

Chaos and Luke listened and let go of him. It seemed to help slightly.

Annabeth was then on the bed, back against the headboard and gently wrapped herself around Percy in a hug. She then started running her fingers through his messy black hair. 

Both the creator and friend looked on in amazement as the boy instantly stopped moving around and began to settle down. He took in a deep breath. Unlike the shallow panicked ones just moments ago. 

Percy's eyes slowly blinked open with a dazed look, not fully comprehending what was going on. 

"A-Annabeth?" Voice horse.

"Ssshhh, I'm here. It was just a dream Percy. We aren't in Tartarus anymore. You are not there anymore. We are at camp and Chaos and Luke are right here." She comforted just above a whisper as her eyes met his. 

Percy blinked and you could see the fear melt away as he leaned into her and gave into the fatigue his body was still under. 

Luke and Chaos both relaxed and sat back down. 

"So.." Luke questioned.

Annabeth met his gaze. It was cold and stormy but he could also see the vulnerability and fear. 

She then spoke gently, "We've been through alot Luke.... ever since Tartarus we have both been plagued by horrible nightmares. We just know how to help each other and we typically spend most nights together for this very reason."

Luke understood. He had spent a few nights awake with Percy who would just decide to not sleep because of them. With the exhaustion of everything still weighing heavy, he yawned and settled back down on the sofa. 

Not five minutes later everyone was asleep again.


It was a new day. 

And Order had come up with the perfect way to torture the boy today. 

"Tartarus, can you bring some extra water and a metal rod?" 

The Primordial's face contorted with a smile at the idea and he went to grab the things Order wanted. 

Once he returned they flashed into the cavern.

Both beings noticed the now empty spot where their prize had been. The blood that had been fresh now dried. 

Order instantly closed his eyes and tried to find the boys presence nearby. He wouldn't have been able to go far. He didn't find anything. 'Unless...' 

He then saw the footprints that entered the room but never left the room...


Anger filled him. His power pulsed as shadows danced to life around him. His eyes glowing again. The room began to shake as he screamed in frustration. Darkness exploded from Order and everything in the cavern was destroyed. The wall cracked and loose rocks fell from the ceiling. 

At some point Tartarus flashed away, not wanting to feel the beings wrath.

He seethed in hatred. 'You will pay little Chaos scum. You won't escape me that easily.'

Order raised his hand as if summoning someone and then a figure formed out of the shadows. 

"Prepare the troops. We attack as soon as the army is ready to march. They won't know what hit them."

The shadowy figure nodded and then disappeared. 

Order closed his eyes again. He zeroed in on the aura he wanted. Hatred filled his whole being as he found its location... 

Camp Half-Blood.

He smirked as he felt how weak the boys aura was though. 

He started laughing as he envisioned killing them all, finally becoming ruler of the universe. 

Nothing was going to stop him.


Chaos opened his eyes as he felt the tremor and aura of power. It was morning already but no one was awake yet.

He could feel the anger inside the power.

He knew who it was instantly and wearily glanced around the room for any threats.

Chaos looked at his son still sleeping with the daughter of Athena still wrapped around him protectively. 

Order was filled with hatred and that hatred was directed at him personally. But, now it was being directed to his son. He felt so guilty for causing any pain to come upon the boy. 

The creator clinched his jaw as determination filled him. Order now knew Percy had escaped him and he was bound to attack because of it. He would not let his son's home be destroyed.

He put up a ward around the camp. Not just at the border but two miles out on all sides. He was not going to take any chances with Percy in this shape. Plus they do have plans in place for when Order decided to show himself. 

Feeling better about their preparations he settled back into the sofa and before he knew it he was falling asleep again. Knowing how tired they all were from what had happened. 

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now