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Different patterns of breathing and soft snoring were the first things Percy took note of as his mind awoke and began to clear. He peeled his eyes open to find Annabeth's golden head resting on his shoulder. Luckily for him it was not the one shanked with a dagger. His body was aching but he could feel his bones healed, any open wounds had closed and knew he didn't have to worry about much.

His attention was drawn to Luke and Chaos, both had dark bags under their eyes due to the lack of sleep from the past few days. He smiled warmly at the sight of them leaning against each other on the sofa he knew Chaos brought from who knows where.

Percy knew he should wake them but didn't want to. Plus, he needed a moment to himself before they woke up and started fussing over him as they always did. He hissed quietly as his body protested his movements, but he didn't stop. Having become an expert in escaping Annabeth's grasp while she was sleeping over the years, he stood by the bed triumphantly when she didn't move a muscle and continued sleeping.

He stole a glance at Chaos and Luke as he steadied himself. Neither seemed to hear him. So, taking a small step at a time, he walked slowly to the bathroom, feeling his legs shaking from the strain. Once inside he closed the door without a sound.

Percy stood there a moment, preparing himself for what he might see. He faced the mirror. And just as he thought, the damage had been done. Angry pink/red hued skin surrounded new scars now tracing his whole torso from what he could see. Most of his chest was wrapped up and slightly stained with a hue of red.

The place Tartarus had slashed his face was mostly gone but when he leaned forward, he could see the scar he now held. 'Heh, now I almost match Luke.' He thought to himself. He slowly started unwrapping the bandages to see how much healing was still needed.

The two stab wounds he received were a little bruised still, the skin red and angry looking but fully closed with fresh scar tissue. Everything would bother him for a few days as the muscles healed up fully but he would manage. He took note of how sensitive his skin was and the ghost pains of the bones that had been broken. It was uncomfortable to take deep breaths but he did it anyway.

He then looked at his wings. They looked normal and were responding well to his movements. The ache and memory of them breaking made Percy grip the edge of the counter as he leaned forward slightly. His body screaming at him to sit down.

Yeah, it would be a few days, if not more before he was back to 'close to normal,' but he has never been so thankful for being the son of Chaos and having healing abilities. And for Chaos, he probably healed a lot of the damage himself. He didn't want to think about what he would have to go through without his abilities.

He gave his wings a good flap, not caring if the others heard him anymore. Testing out their strength. 'Good. Sore and painful to move but healed.' His body was healing slower but it was understandable given the circumstances.

The reality of what he endured really began to sink in. He hated himself for getting captured. For putting his friends and family at risk like that. He felt his hands shaking and the fear lingering. He clenched his jaw. Order was going to pay for what he did. How he used him to get to his Chaos.

His thoughts immediately filled with more anxiety. 'Gods that must have almost killed Chaos and Poseidon...not to mention Annabeth and Luke too.'

He felt guilty all over again, but a soft smile found its way to his face. He was overcome with thankfulness and knew he would have died if it wasn't for them. His family. Noticing the strain from his quivering muscles, he knew he needed to sit down. Needing rest to recover from the trauma.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now