Life or Death

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Percy opened his eyes. To his left was nothing but bright white light and to his right was pure darkness.

Confusion clouded his mind.

'Where am I?' Thoughts racing as he tried to remember what happened.

"You are in a place between life and death child." A deep and warm voice said from behind him.

Percy spun around to find a man standing there, clad in a simple robe. He had salt-and-pepper colored hair and a gently aged face. This man, his aura.... it was familiar.

Percy took a step back in caution. "Life and death.... does that mean?"

"Yes. I am sorry. But, that is why I am here. I am currently keeping your soul from entering into Hades realm."

Percy paled, pausing to try and gather his thoughts. "Who are you?"

"You do not know me young Perseus for the universe itself does not know of me. My name is Cosmos. I am the father of Chaos and Order."

Percy's mind was going to explode.

"Wait, What?! I thought they were the first beings?!"

The old deity chuckled slightly at the demigods reaction. 

"Well, that is what I wanted them to think. Technically I made them both forget about me after they were created and I left them to become who they needed to be. Unfortunately it has come to my attention that one has let his soul be consumed completely and only destruction remains."

"You mean Order."

Cosmos nodded. "Yes, Chaos and Order were meant to balance each other out. There is good and there is evil. But over eons, evil has corrupted his soul. Chaos handled it pretty well the first time Order acted up but it is different now. He is stronger and has destroyed and brought enough evil into this world. It's time for a change."

Percy was still confused. "So, what does this have to do with me?"

Percy felt as if Cosmos seemed to look through him. "Because, you were given the powers of Chaos himself, you are powerful enough to withstand the spell, plus you have a pure and loyal soul child. I do not wish to see the universe ruled by Order so I am choosing to intervene."

Percy appeared to be processing the information. "It was you... you were warning me. The feeling I felt..."

"Yes that was me. I couldn't let Order have the advantage. He is strong enough as is and I was hoping a heads up would be enough to defeat him. Unfortunately, I was wrong."

"Wait, are you saying I can go back?" He quizzed softly. Unsure of the options before him.

"If you choose to then yes. You have been through quite a lot though and I understand if you do not wish to return. The battle is not going well. - " 

Fear bubbled up inside of the boy. For Chaos. For his family. For his friends.

"- They are fighting hard but I do not think it will be enough."

"Is Chaos.."

"No, he is still alive but currently injured and disadvantaged."

"What do I need to do? Whatever it is, I'll do it. They are my family, I can't let them die."

Cosmos smiled at the boy. "Your loyalty is strong child."

Percy rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah... I've heard that before."

"I shall grant your life back and restore you to full power. As well as give you knowledge on the Void. There is a spell you will know that I have created to nullify Order's powers and destroy his essence."

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now