The Palace

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Chaos walked through the portal entering his palace halls. He tucked the boy up close, turning him slightly so no one could see who he was in case he ran into anyone. His wings were larger than most and brushed the floor slightly while Chaos walked.

The only way to describe the place was celestial. The walls and floors were made of pure white marble that glistened. There were massive openings built into the walls that acted as open windows. You could feel the light breeze from outside.

And speaking of outside, the sky would make your mouth drop. It was a deep mixture of night and day. Stars filled the sky. You could see whole galaxies, solar systems, and bright suns. During the night the sky turned into a deep hue of violet showing off the colors of the universe; while, during the day, it was lighter dusk blue mixed with the violet color. Nevertheless, the stars still shined bright.

Chaos created Percy his own room while walking through the upper levels of the palace. The top few floors were personal living spaces for himself, and a few select others. Chaos was lost in thought trying to figure out how to design Percy's room as he rounded the corner, almost running into someone.

"Whoa! Sorry Chaos! Oh, who is that?"

The dirty blond stood at a distance but became instantly curious and concerned. Chaos just cleared his throat. "Ah, just the person I need. Could you pull some items from the infirmary for me and bring them up a level to the newest room please?"

"Yeah sure. What happened? Who is it? What planet did he come from?"

"Luke, please just do it. I will explain everything later. I can't tell you who this is yet. Not without his permission, okay?"

The blonde looked like someone told him he couldn't have any candy but quickly nodded his head and walked to the infirmary down a level to get some basic things.

Chaos thought about how this interaction could go. Either they will both be excited to see each other or hate each other. And the second option just won't work with Percy now being his son and Luke's co-commander.

Percy's room came into view at the end of the hall up a floor. The door opened for Chaos as he walked up. The boy groaned slightly as Chaos set him on the bed; being cautious of his wings. Chaos stood over the bed taking in the boy's features. His unruly black hair, strong jaw line, the black circles under his closed eyes, clothes ripped and dirty with dried blood. 'Okay, let's see if I can't learn a little about the state you are in Percy.' He put right hand on the boy's head, noting to himself of the small fever there.

He couldn't see anything doing this, but he could feel things; things about Percy that related to his being, of who he was as a person and his health. Shuffling through his mind he could feel the trauma the boy had been through already. Chaos' brows furrowed at it all.

The sorrow of being disowned (though forced). Percy thoughts had yet to think about the few injuries he received from running for his life. No, this boy felt more hurt by the fact that he had to leave his friends, his home. 'Well, that makes sense due to his loyalty,' Chaos thought to himself. He also noted to himself all the mental struggles the boy had. His PTSD from his time in Tartarus, his guilt held for not being able to save his friends he fought with, his claustrophobia, the nightmares that plague him. The strain from fighting wars, terror of drowning, dread of small spaces. Chaos only sighed as he took it all in. 'How do theses demigods survive like this?'

Overall, Percy was already healing physically from his new abilities as being a warrior and son of Chaos. His temperature was already returning to normal but that didn't stop Chaos from doing a physical assessment of his now called son. He noted the scars along Percy's body from the many fights he had survived and from his time in Tartarus. The smaller ones began fading completely but a few deep ones stayed. One on Percy's chest drew his attention. He traced his fingers along the scar that looked like the slash of a sword taken at point blank. Percy flinched under his touch. Chaos withdrew his hand. Concern filling his eyes.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz