Heir & Commander

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Percy stayed by the window as Chaos sat at his desk. He didn't know how to fully process what was happening still but he was grateful he wasn't dead. An ache pulsed in his chest at the thought. His dad was forced to disown him. He didn't feel the connection to the sea as strongly as before. He felt alone. He knew his family was still there though. He had his friends at camp, his dad still loved him... how was he going to get back. What had gotten into Zeus that caused him to go after him now?

Percy was pulled from his thoughts as Chaos cleared his throat. 

"Okay, first things first, you are now my son. Which means you are now the heir to my throne and if anything were to happen to me you would then become the ruler of the universe. And trust me, it's just a bunch of paper work and trying to keep people from starting wars... it's not as fun as it sounds." Smirking as Percy peered at him with deep interest. Chaos created an extra chair for Percy to sit in, knowing this was going to start freaking the boy out. 

"Being the heir to my throne comes with some responsibilities. One, people will either fear you, respect you, or hate you." 

"Well, I feel like I am kinda used to that... " Percy mumbled, thinking about how the fish of the sea would always call him prince or how monsters hated his guts and would try extra hard to kill him.

"Yes, being the son of Poseidon will do that on earth. No matter what peoples opinion of you is, when you go on a mission you must remain true to character. You represent me now and how I rule. Always be respectful, which I know you won't struggle with. You have such a humble spirit."

Percy shuffled over to the chair and plopped down, slightly blushing. "Uh, thank you."

"Secondly, you must be cautious. Being my son will paint a target on your back. Way more so than you have experienced as being the son of Poseidon. The primordials are going to hate you even more now." Percy paled slightly. "Don't worry, myself and my commander will be training you." He just nodded. 

"So, what are my powers?" 

"Well, you have the power of creation, as I have stated earlier. It is not as powerful as mine but you can will things into existence. You have control over all the elements: water, earth, air and fire; plus control over darkness and light. You can also now fly due to your wings. Oh, and you are now partially immortal. You know, like the hunters of Artemis. You heal faster thanks to the partial immortality but can still die if the wounds are severe enough and not treated in a timely manner. All your skills have increased greatly and with some training from me you could hold your own against anyone in the universe. Using your power will drain you drastically at first but over time it will be like second nature as you learn how to do everything." 

Percy didn't know what to think. This was a lot to process.

"When can I go home to see my family. To make sure they are okay?" 

Chaos sighed a bit. "I am unsure Percy. With you being my son you will always be a part of this world now. But that doesn't mean you can't return. I believe something is stirring on earth and I am unsure of what is causing it. I want to look into the matter before you return. And you need to master your powers before returning as well. After you do that and we figure out what happened then you will be allowed to return and stay until you are needed for missions." 

Percy ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed. "Okay, I can do that." Stopping, unsure if he wanted to ask the next question. Unaware of his hand reaching to his chest. "Why does my chest feel so... empty?" 

"Ah, I am going to guess that is because your fatal flaw is loyalty. This is uncharted territory but it seems they came close to breaking it. Your loyalty is so strong to your family and friends. Your body would have given up without that connection. When Zeus accused you of betraying Olympus, your family, and forcing Poseidon to disown you as his son. Your loyalty is still strong, even after that but you were torn from their world and then brought back. I'm certain the strain your body and mind experienced will mend but give it some time."

Percy rubbed his chest as the ache eased slightly, trying to focus on the good, of Annabeth, his mom, oh gods his mom. 

"Moving on please. We have another matter to discuss." 

Percy sat up and looked Chaos head on, ready to continue.

"Other than being my heir, you now hold a position in my army. As heir and my son you will be the commander of my army. You will co-lead actually. I have a commander but you will be over him theoretically." 

Percy was flabbergasted. "Me? Lead your army?! There is no way I should be the one doing that!" 

Chaos chuckled. "Are you forgetting who led the last two major wars on Earth against Kronos and Gaia?"

"I was not the leader. Just a part of the leaders."

"Well, it's the same thing here. You will have a co-commander. And don't underestimate yourself Percy. You held great power before me adopting you as my son. You will only be a greater leader now."

Again, Percy looked away and squirmed under the compliment he received from the creator of the universe. 

"I must warn you though. You do know the commander." Chaos responded.

That got Percy's attention. "What do you mean? How would I know the commander?"

"Oh, don't you remember when I found you earlier? I have heard a lot about you. Mainly from my commander and then from watching over earth every now and then." Chaos tried to explain without sounding creepy. It didn't work. 

"Okay, so if I know the person then why is it a warning?"

"Because of what he did while on earth. He chose the wrong path but in the end he chose right. He has a strong spirit and is willing to die for those he loves. That's what I wanted in a commander so I went to the underworld and asked him if he wanted to join my army. He said yes, wanting a new beginning. When you are ready you can meet him."

"Oh, okay. How about tomorrow? I want to start training as soon as I can with him and you."

Chaos smiled at the boy. "Of course. would you like to settle in a little before dinner?"

Percy nodded politely before getting up from his chair. 

"Very well, I'll come back later and show you around. I hope you can learn to love this place and the people here as much as I do. Welcome to your new home Percy."

"Thank you Chaos. I'm sure I'll adjust just fine." 

With that Chaos flashed out of the room, desk and all, leaving Percy to fully investigate his new home. There was a small popping noise from the bed. When Percy turned he found a simple crown laying on the bed with a note. "Totally forgot to tell you but this is now yours. You must wear it when you go on missions or handle anything business related. Welcome again, signed Chaos."

The crown was a simple in shape, nothing extravagant. The metal looked black but it glistened with gold and silver. Percy frowned. He was going to hate this thing....

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now