Days Following

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The next day came quickly for the demigod who had been sleeping on and off with Chaos and Luke's persistence. Annabeth would stop in a lot to make sure he was still doing okay before kissing him and telling him to stay put. If it wasn't for her Percy would have forced himself out of the cabin already. He knew they were just worried, so he listened. Plus, he could tell his body needed the rest anyway.

Percy was currently sitting on the side of his bed again, about to try and move around the room and stretch but a flash interrupted his actions. Poseidon was there and he looked almost as bad as Chaos did yesterday.

Chaos wasn't in the room now, so Percy assumed he was the one who got him. "Percy!" The sea god exclaimed, briskly walking to the boy's side. Percy smiled lovingly at his father before being wrapped in a hug that could only be rivaled by Chaos himself.

Poseidon pulled back and held him at arm's length. Taking in the bandages peeking out from under his shirt and the new marks across his body he could see.

"Dad, I'm okay."

The sea god only narrowed his eyes as if searching his soul for anything the demigod could be hiding from him. He sighed as he hugged him again. "Percy, I swear if you disappear again, I might just cease to exist. I can't handle it."

Percy chuckled softly. "Chaos said the same thing. I promise not to disappear again if I can help it. Trust me, I don't think I can handle it either."

The two enjoyed the warmth of each other for a minute longer before separating. "Are you truly okay?"

"I will be. It will be a little rough getting back into shape, but I'll be perfectly fine. I promise."

Poseidon smiled with his warm sea green eyes as he ruffled Percy's hair. "Okay, then get some more rest. I won't be far. I set up defenses underwater close to shore. Half of my army is stationed waiting for the attack. We are ready if Order decides to come so don't worry about anything quite yet. Just focus on getting better, okay?"

Percy chuckled at his father. "I will. Trust me, they haven't even let me out of the room."

Poseidon smiled at him one last time before disappearing, leaving only the smell of the sea behind. Percy then stood and was about to head to the door when Luke walked in.

"And where do you think you are going?"

Percy huffed in annoyance at his friend. "Oh, come on Luke. Let me at least go downstairs. My room is stuffy, and I hate being like this."

Luke hardened his gaze. Not giving in to the puppy eyes Percy was sending his way. "No. You will get back to bed and rest more. I'm not going to have you running around and wearing yourself out before you are fully healed."

"I'm fine Luke. Everything is healed already! I'm just sore which moving around will help with!"

"Not today. It's only been two days."

"Exactly! TWO DAYS! I feel fine and I have most of my powers back too!"

Chaos was suddenly behind Percy, scowling at him being up. "Percy, lay down."

"But Chaos!"

Chaos only stared at him. Percy looked at the open door, but Luke was standing in his way. Chaos was here. 'But wait, I can use my powers...'

And with that thought he vanished before their eyes.


Annabeth was hanging out with the rest of the seven in the living room of the Chaos cabin. All of them were so worried and had yet to see Percy again since he had been found. Jason spoke up after a while of just relaxing together. "Annabeth, how is Percy doing?"

The others all looked to her as she was the only one from the whole camp and army allowed past Luke. "He will be okay guys. He is just resting. If it wasn't for Luke and Chaos, he would have already come down and talked to everyone but those two have him locked in his room." She said while smirking at the way Percy was already begging to leave the bed. She agreed wholeheartedly with the creator and Luke though and was glad they were managing her hopeless fiancé instead of her this time.

The others nodded in understanding, and you could feel their anxiety lift slightly from the room. Their thoughts were interrupted by a shimmering light suddenly appearing in front of them and before they could blink Percy himself appeared.

"Yes! OH?! Hey guys!" Percy exclaimed.

In Percy's room you could hear a scream of frustration from Luke and the loud booming voice of Chaos, "PERSEUS JACKSON!"

Percy paled as he grabbed a blanket from the sofa and dashed behind Annabeth and tossed the blanket over himself, which he found to be quite a challenge with his massive wings. He tucked them in as close as he could and if he was lucky, he might make it.

The others just stared dumbfounded at their friend. Annabeth heard Percy whisper, "please hide me... I just wanted to come downstairs. I'm not going anywhere else!"

She shook her head as she smirked. Princess blonde curls bouncing around from her ponytail. The others were smiling but tried to hide it as Luke rushed into the room. "Did y'all see Percy come through here?!"

Annabeth smiled at him as she felt Percy tense behind her. "Nope." She said while popping the 'p.'

"Styx!" Luke cursed before running out the front door and out of the cabin. The seven all heard Percy's sigh of relief and they chuckled at his antics and glad he was still himself after what happened.

"Perseus." Chaos said from the corner of the room by the hallway. Annabeth heard Percy curse under his breath as he popped his head out from the blanket and sheepishly looked at Chaos around Annabeth, knowing he was caught.

"I just want to move around the cabin! I won't go anywhere!"

Percy was only met with a glare he knew he couldn't worm his way out of. With his head hung low he rose with the blanket still wrapped around him and trudged over to his dad slowly. Chaos moved around him as he walked back to his room and followed him.

The seven busted out laughing once they were gone. Knowing full well how Percy hated staying still. 

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now