The End

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A few hours had passed by the time Chaos was able to get back to Percy's room. 

Many of the gods and campers were wondering where the trio was and feared the worst by the way Chaos looked. As he told the gods, campers and army members a rough breakdown of what happened the air had become heavy before relaxing with relief. The rest of the seven and a few others, cough Will, Nico and Thalia wanted to head straight to their side as well but Chaos wouldn't let them. Telling them everyone was okay and there was a lot of work needing to get done. 

They had many wounded campers and soldiers but no casualties. Chaos gave the soldiers orders to help the campers with anything needed. They would stay on the planet until their commanders brought them home.

So as the cleanup of the forest began and the wounded all moved back to camp and cared for Chaos went straight back to his son. 

Luke hadn't messaged him about anything so he was slowly relaxing from the traumatic experience. He had caught himself, multiple times, feeling for Percy's aura while he was away. Still scared of what he might sense, but each time sensing it there, strong and real.

As he opened the door to his son's room he smiled at the scene. All three of them were asleep.

Annabeth was laying down fully next to Percy, pressed against him with her head on his shoulder. Percy himself was out cold, druel slowly escaping his mouth, enveloped in the covers tightly with one wing slung across Luke. And speaking of Luke, he was leaning up against the headboard in an uncomfortable looking position, head leaning on his shoulder with a hand resting on Percy's head.

All three drawing comfort from each other. 

He didn't want to disturb them but he also wasn't going to leave. So he sat down on the sofa he had brought in last week and finally fully relaxed. 


Days turned to weeks in the blink of an eye.

Percy had been bombarded by all his friends when he finally felt like leaving the cabin but it was a joyous occasion. 

He spent most of his time between his friends and his duties as a prince. Between movie nights in the living room of the Chaos cabin to paper work through the nights everyone began falling back into a routine. 

He had visited his mom as well. She punished his disappearance by no blue cookies for the whole night. He had to wait until the morning. They talked about everything and it was an emotional time but it was needed. By the end of talking Sally ended up baking cookies anyway.

Everything was back to 'normal' and it was refreshing.

There were things he was dealing with personally that he didn't share with most. 

Nightmares and panic attacks happened more frequently. Annabeth and Luke were there to help out but it was was going to be a struggle. He knew it would be a couple more months before he got over the events that took place. If he ever did.

The fact alone that he... Nevermind.

Chaos had finally gone back to the palace to catch up on everything he had been putting off during the ordeal. Luckily, some of the turmoil throughout the universe had calmed down with Order out of the picture. His influence had drastically impacted many of the disagreements and wars that were brewing. Chaos was happy for the peace. 

There have been many nights spent with Percy. The boy didn't seem to want to sleep, even with Annabeth by his side so he would come to the creator's office. They would talk about random things but mostly just enjoyed each other's company. 

After a week of discussions and planning, Percy finally settled on future plans. 

One week a month he would spend at camp. Helping Chiron with training the campers and to see his friends and family. The rest of the time he was on Chaos' planet and training the soldiers. He was the prince after all. Plus, he loved it there and didn't want to leave. Annabeth was going with him of course. His other friends wanted to come too but he said the camp would need them more until some of the younger campers grew up and became better fighters. 

And now the time had come to finally leave. He was currently at the big house with Chiron watching the soldiers clean out their cabin. He was going to leave it as a permanent cabin in camp though. Luke was down there with them, making sure they stayed on track. Being at camp had loosened them up a little too much. 

Percy was leaning on his arms against the porch railing. Looking at his home before heading out. The sun rays warming his skin as the breeze brushed against his face.

Chiron looked at his student proudly. "You have done well my boy." 

Percy smirked at his teacher. "Thanks Chiron."

"I'm sure you know this already, but you will be missed."

"I will miss this place as well but I'll be around. I can't just up and leave the place I grew up at."

Annabeth appeared around the corner and approached.

"Luke said they are ready when you are Percy."

She smiled at Chiron before giving him a tight hug. "I'll see you soon Chiron. Keep everyone in check while we are gone."

Chiron laughed. "Of course my dear!" 

Percy hugged his mentor one last time before taking Annabeth's hand and walking towards the group waiting for them.

Their friends were waiting there as well with most of the campers. After all goodbyes were said and hugs exchanged Percy looked to Luke.

"Well, you ready?"

"Ready when you are commander." Luke teased. 

Percy rolled his eyes before his eyes lit up slightly as a portal appeared for the soldiers to go through. The army walked through and soon it was only Luke, Percy and Annabeth remaining. 

They waved to everyone watching, "See you guys next month!" 

Shouts of goodbyes filled the area as all three stepped through the portal. 

Percy instantly took in the familiar palace he stood in front of. He was excited to be back here.

Chaos was there waiting for him. 

Luke walked off with the army, taking charge as 'commander' for the time being. He was the first out of the two so he tended to take charge of the group more than Percy. 

Percy hugged his father as he was welcomed back. When he turned to Annabeth she was back where they first entered from the portal. She was in complete awe with her mouth slightly open. He would have teased her but decided against it.

She was taking everything in and couldn't wait to explore.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Percy's voice bringing her back to the present.

"It's stunning." She confirmed. "I think I know where we are having the wedding."

The smile on Percy's face only grew at her words. Chaos smiled at the two with joy. He couldn't be happier to have them chose to stay here with him and if they got married here! Excitement filled him with ideas.

As they walked into the palace Annabeth started quizzing the creator about the architectural design. Chaos obliged joyfully, enjoying having someone to talk to about it.

Percy smirked. 'Yeah. This is home.'

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now