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Chaos was ensuing in the darkness below. Order could sense the restlessness, the hatred oozing off the creatures trapped there. He couldn't help but smirk. This was going to be so satisfying. "So, do you agree to the terms?"

A sinister smell of fire filled his nose as a hot breeze flew by and a deep voice responded, "Of course I agree. With your help I will be able to finally travel outside this place. And I will gladly do as you asked. I've been dreaming of bringing destruction upon them."

With the snap of his fingers, Order created a body for the Primordial out of dark magic and destruction. The cavern shook as a dark essence filled the newly formed body. Its eyes snapped open revealing nothing but black voids. A crooked smile followed. "Freedom has never been so sweet."

"You can do whatever you like as long as you remember our deal."

"Yes, yes. Don't worry; it will be a pleasure to do what you ask of me."

Order nodded, satisfied, before leaving.


Chaos sat at his desk contemplating things after his trip to Olympus. He then proceeded to mind-message Luke and Percy. 'I need to speak with you both.'

Percy responded, 'I'll be right there, finishing up a training session with a group.'

Luke, 'You got it!'

A few minutes later Luke strode into the room eating a cookie. Chaos smirked, "you better finish that before Percy shows up." Luke was about to comment when Percy appeared out of nowhere. "Oooo, I love cookies!" And then snatched it out of his friend's hand. "Thanks!"

"Hey! That was mine! You can't just take my food!" Percy totally ignored him as he plopped down in a chair and stuck the rest of the uneaten cookie in his mouth. Chaos just laughed, "I warned you."

Luke sat in another chair and pouted like a baby. "So, Chaos, what did you want to talk to us about? It's the middle of the day and Luke here needs to help me show the army some more moves." Percy questioned.

"Oh sure, you mean, someone to beat up. Use someone else this time."

"Oh, come on Luke! You know you love it!"

Luke opened his mouth to say some sarcastic insult when Chaos cleared his throat. "Okay you two, focus. We have a serious matter to discuss." Percy picked up on Chaos' tone and quickly came to attention. "What is it?"

"I just returned from Olympus. I gave them training guides and told them of Order, but it seems there was a prophecy just given to the campers when I arrived." Percy and Luke both paled slightly. "A prophecy? Who is involved? What did it say?" Percy asked. Concerned for his friends at camp.

"The lost one is rescued yet evil awakens,

Beware the pit for revenge will be sought.

Your home will fall, and all will be lost,

Unless the son of creation arrives.

Torture of body and soul remains,

Whether rescued or lost, it's unforeseen.

Creation and sea must fight as one,

or all will be lost to oblivion." Chaos quoted.

Percy was instantly running the lines through his head. 'The "lost one," who is that? And "evil awakens?" That must be Order.'

Percy frowned when he thought of the second line. "The second line... is it saying what I think it is saying?"

Chaos could sense the turmoil in the boy. Luke shuffled a little closer to Percy as casually as possible, feeling his friend's unease, while staying in his chair. Percy cleared his throat, escaping the memories, "if Tartarus is who it's talking about then what is his plan? How is he involved?"

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now