Author's Note

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Okay everyone! That was it! 

The story is officially completed. I am happy with how it turned out and I am so glad so many of you have enjoyed it as well! 

I don't want to just leave these wonderful characters behind though so I am asking you to give me some scenes or events you want to see happen in this universe. I want to keep writing but I am honestly stuck on what to do. So please comment or message some ideas! 

I would love to create something you want to see! If doesn't have to even pertain to the story line or anything. It would just be with these characters. 

Or if you have a story you want to see and would like me to write it I feel like it would be a fun challenge to take on! 

Thank you to everyone who has read this book and been a supporter from the beginning! Your comments and love have kept me inspired and writing. Love all of you so much and can't wait to see your ideas and thoughts in the comments! 

PLEASE COMMENT YOUR IDEAS AND THOUGHTS! (Even if you just want to give your overall opinion on the book itself I would love to hear them!)

Until next time,


Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now