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Percy was at the beach alone. It was around 2 am. His dreamless sleep soon turned into a horde of nightmares, and he needed some air, so he came to his favorite spot to just listen to the ebb and flow of the ocean.

At some point he must have fallen asleep. He awoke with a start to a twig snapping in the woods. He instantly sat up, alert. He looked at the sky and noticed it had been a few hours and was now 4 am. Thank Chaos for his ability to read the stars. He looked back into the dark tree line, scanning for any movement. Not sensing anything he let out a breath and relaxed back down on the shore. Being constantly on watch and aware of your surroundings was tiring. Especially with the threat of Order being out there.

Just as he closed his eyes, he felt it. A presence was watching him. He didn't react right away, thinking maybe it was Luke or another camper just being nosy. That is until he felt the air grow colder. He could feel the shift in the air. He wearily stood up and turned to the woods.

"Luke?" He called out.


Percy narrowed his eyes as he scanned the tree line. Waiting. It seemed as if the shadows were spreading out into the open, mist like tendrils curling themselves around rocks and small bushes as it edged closer to the sand.

Percy instantly made his armor appear on his body, his black dual swords in his hands. He noticed his crown appear with his attire. He was about to take it off when deep red eyes glowed from the darkness in the trees.

Percy took a step back in caution. "Who's there?" He called out.

A dark laugh filled the area. "Now, why is the son of Chaos out here all alone?"

Percy didn't know who the person was but if he addressed him as such then it was probably not good. He was quickly overcome with the being's aura. Darkness seemed to flow around him; he could see his breaths as the air temperature dropped significantly.

Percy locked eyes with the ones in the woods. Realization dawned on him. 'Order.' Percy readied his swords and stood on alert. Ready for the attack bound to come.

A deep laugh filled the shoreline as a being stepped out of the shadows, though they seemed to be attached to him, moving around him as he walked out into the open.

Quickly, the air shifted behind him. Percy turned to and came face to face with Tartarus. 'What!? How is he back?!' He said to himself, thoughts reeling in confusion. "Hello again Perseus. I didn't get a chance to meet you properly during our last encounter."

Percy took a step to the side. Trying to focus on both threats. "What do you want?" Percy asked. Trying to figure out how they got through the camp borders they had recreated.

Order was now a few paces away, standing with silent confidence. "See, I want the throne little Perseus. I want to make Chaos suffer.... and you are the perfect tool to use."

Percy's mind filled with apprehension and fear. So, he was the target after all. But Order wanted Chaos. He wasn't going to give him that option then. Immediately dismissing the thought of calling his father to help. He would not put him at risk. He would fight. "Take your best shot."

Order and Tartarus both smiled and charged at the same time. Percy twisted and blocked both daggers with his swords. Sparks flew. Percy's eyes glowed his usual sea green as he pushed both deities back with a mighty force of wind. Water and fire swirled around the prince as he focused on Order first. He sent a wave of water towards his 'uncle' as he turned and shot fire at Tartarus.

Both beings dodged. Order quickly appeared beside the demigod and took a swipe at him. Percy ducked and rolled away. Sensing the Primordial's movements he stood and raised his sword to block his attack.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now