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Luke appeared in total darkness. As soon as he took a breath his lungs burned like fire. He held in the cough forming in his chest. Not knowing if Order or guards were around. He forced his mind into commander mode. Noticing hints of fiery red light in the distance along with horrible sounds of tormented monsters and creatures. Standing absolutely still as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the pit. 'Gods, this is what they had to go through...' Hearing about it was one thing but being here now brought a whole new understanding.

He looked around and found himself standing with his back to a cliff reaching far above him with rough, jagged rocks. To his right, far in the distance he could see a river of fire and the red, smoke-filled depths and pits of Tartarus. To his left were a series of rough rock columns.

To the normal eye it just looked like giant rock columns shooting out of the ground with thick sharp rocks covering the surface fading into the wall of the pit. But he instantly saw the crevasse hidden between one of them. He surveyed the area and didn't see anything. A second later he was darting in and out of the shadows along the edge of the wall, closing the distance between himself and the entrance.

Luke didn't hesitate when he entered the opening in the wall. He walked silently along the wall of the cave until he found multiple routes and caverns. He cursed Chaos for not getting him closer. He could take his chances and just choose one but decided against it.

'Chaos, there are multiple routes, could you give me a direction? Can you still sense his location?' There was silence before Chaos responded, 'I think it's coming from your right.'

Luke was instantly going to the right down a very dark and ominous looking path. It got so dark he almost couldn't see in front of him anymore but then he noticed light up ahead. If you can call it light, just a red hue. Holding his breath as he felt the walls around him widening. Nearing the entrance to the cavern he pushed up against the wall, staying as far in the shadows as possible.

The cavern wasn't large, there were torches on two of the walls, keeping the light dim and the room dark. He was suddenly caught off guard by the smell of blood. His eyes darted around the room, landing off to the side. A giant rock was being used as a table and someone was chained to it. Ebony black wings hung limp off the sides. Percy.

Luke surveyed the room. It was silent as could be in Tartarus. If he focused hard enough, he could hear Percy's labored breaths. His heart yearned to rush in and help but if Order or guards were around he would be caught and their chance of survival slim to none.

After a full minute of nothing he was instantly by his friend's side. He choked up at the shape he was in. He couldn't help but notice the blood that coated the rock and was dripping on the ground. One of Percy's hands lay limply by his side, free from the chains, his wrist cut and bruised. There were still chains holding down his other arm and legs.

Luke didn't dare say a word in case someone was nearby. Instead, he instantly started working on the chains holding his friend in place. He noticed a large cut that went across his face. His lips were cracked and tinted blue. There were deep wounds on his shoulder and side, and his body was covered in gashes and blood. His eyes went to his wings that were in odd angles as they hung limply off the 'table.' He could see horrible black/blue bruises and marks all over his arms, chest and legs. His body was cold to the touch as he freed his other arm gently, noting the blue hue in his fingertips. Percy whimpered as his arm was moved.

Luke couldn't let the emotions coursing through his heart and mind now distract him. His heart was broken. His best friend, whom he viewed as his brother, in this shape, destroyed him.

With the last chain now gone he positioned himself to pick him up. He knew as soon as he did it would hurt him drastically and possibly alert any guards. 'Chaos, you ready?'

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now