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As the sun began to rise Luke was notified by sector 6 that the demigods wanted to go to breakfast. He told them that was okay and to alert the cabin leaders and Chiron to meet him in the big house in 20 minutes for an emergency meeting.

Chaos stood on the beach, staring out into the rising sun with Percy's crown still in hand. Trying to process that he had been taken and most likely by Order. He tried to hone into his location but he couldn't find Percy's aura anywhere...

He was so worried. His thoughts were interrupted by Luke.

"Chaos, I'm going to meet with the cabin leaders and tell them what happened."

The creator finally took hold of his thoughts and then focused on a plan.

"I am going to go back to the rest of the army and have them search every planet. I'll be back as soon as I have sent the teams off."

"Okay. We will wait for you to return before we send out a search party here."

"Thank you Luke."

And with that the Creator was gone.

Luke turned and gently picked up Percy's swords off the ground before turning towards the big house for a meeting he wasn't sure he could do.


The campers were confused as to why the chaos soldiers were spread out around camp and why they were guarding the cabins when they woke up.

When they were released for breakfast and told of an emergency meeting they grew concerned. 

'Was Order attacking?'

'Did someone learn of news about the enemy?'

So many different thoughts races through their minds. 

The cabin leaders all skipped breakfast as they got word and went straight to the big house awaiting Percy and Luke to show up. 

Their voices quieted as Luke entered and stood in the doorway.

"Hey Luke, what's going on? Where's Percy?" Annabeth asked.

When he opened his mouth to speak nothing came out. Everyone in the room took in his expression, the emotions he was holding back. He looked seriously troubled and worried.

"Luke?" Annabeth followed up softly.

He walked towards the ping pong table in the center of the room. 

He closed his eyes as he gently pulled Percy's swords from behind his back and laid them on the table for all to see. 

All eyes focused on them.

Annabeth was instantly on guard. "Wha-"

Luke interrupted, "Apparently, two individuals got past our borders last night." He took a deep breath before continuing, trying to hold back tears. "And Percy was taken."

No one said anything as the news sank in. 

Tears filled Annabeth's eyes. 

'No, no, no. no......' was all that filled her mind.

"Wait, how did someone break into the Chaos cabin?" Jason asked.

Luke looked up. Eyes shining with unshed tears. "He went to the beach at some point during the night. He wasn't in the cabin... and I didn't make it there in time." Guilt was eating away at his soul.

"Percy is so strong now though, who could have overpowered him?" Frank voiced quietly. Unsure of what to think.

Luke just shook his head. "We don't know for sure. All I found was a destroyed beach and his crown and swords laying on the ground... we can only assume it was Order."

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now