chapter 3

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Last time

*Naruto finished walking finally making it to the bridge he heard about, and giving a low whistle*

Naruto:for only one man he's done impressive work

*Naruto said to himself as he heard someone chopping wood he looked and it was an old man, Naruto walked up to him*

Naruto:excuse me are you to bridge builder?


*Tazuna looked around and saw the teenage with one opened eye, he looked at him up and down and then went back to work*

Tazuna:are you one of gato's men here to harras me?

Naruto:no, I'm actually here to help If you'll let me of course

*Tazuna places the axe down and looked at Naruto confused*

Tazuna:you want to help me?....why?

Naruto: I'm a citizen of iron country the last remaining good place on this nation free of Shinobi scum. I was raised with morals and a code that I live by, one of those rules is to help and protect the defenseless. So please let me help you finish this bridge

*Naruto said, he even bowed at tazuna who scratched his chin looking at the young man. He sighed and concentrated back to bis work *

Tazuna: you've had your fun playing with an old man kid now beat it I still have 4 month left till I'm finished

Naruto:alone it will take you 4 months if we work together we can finish it in half the time.  if you'll just give me the opportunity to help

Tazuna:....your serious about this?

*Naruto took out his blade and presented it to tazuna, tazuna looked at Naruto with a raised eyebrow*

Naruto:if I'm lying you may take my blade as my punishment. If I go back on my word I'll be going back on the code I've live my life protecting.

*Tazuna took the blade and still looked at Naruto weirdly*

Tazuna:your a strange teenager what's your name?

Naruto:I'm Naruto, I have no last name as an orphan, and I just following the code Makoto is one of the rules of the code


Naruto: Makoto: honesty and sincerity "when warriors say that they will perform an action, it is we good as done. Nothing will stop then from completing what they say they will do" a samurai doesn't give someone there word or makes a promise, we just do it.

*Naruto said having the code of the samurai engraved in his head from since as long as he could read*

Naruto:So what's my first task?

Tazuna:....grab those pieces of wood I'm too old to carry too much on my back, after that follow me

*Naruto nodded his face determined as he did what he was told, they two of them spend until sunset building another portion of the bridge, it wasn't until tazuna got up stretching/cracking his back that they stopped*

Tazuna: that's enough for today, come back tomorrow

*Tazuna was gonna give Naruto his sword back but he refused*

Naruto:until this bridge is done or unless you are in danger that blade belongs to you, keep it as insurance, so you can have peace of mind that I won't just leave

*Naruto said as he walked to a tree he thought looked the most comfortable and closed his eyes getting ready to rest*

Tazuna: your staying there? What too cheap to pay for a motel?

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